Lifeweaver Bugs

Since his launch in game Lifeweaver has been a tad broken… some of these quirks have been fixed while some remain ignored. Here is a few for example

  1. His Life Grip gets stuck on the environment.

  2. If a teamate uses a movement ability at the same time as Lifegrip it counts it as being fully used and wastes the cooldown.

  3. His platform is inconsistent of stairs/ any surface with 2 or more levels of elevation causing it to rise and inch or not at all.

  4. He can trap people inside his tree. People inside the tree cannot be shot and still shoot people from inside it. (This does only work with some characters but is still worth mentioning)

Some - if not all - of these can be very frustrating for the player, teammates and the enemy team if these bugs are frequently occuring. I know Lifeweaver isn’t as popular a character as Ana or Mercy so some of his issues get overlooked, so I thought I would bring this to light. I know bugs can be difficult to fix/change and take alot of time and I also understand the Overwatch team has more important things to deal with than a minor character’s quirks. But if it could be dealt with at anytime in the future that would be amazing.

Thankyou for all your hard work!

These are intentional qualities.
First one only to an extent because breakable objects should break if one is pulled through them.

I did get saved by a fence in mystery heroes from a lifeweaver pulling me into bad positioning from on top of the ilios lighthouse though, so i can’t complain that happened.

Yeah…that can happen. But if your pulling a rein at 20 hp out of a bad situation, that fence could be the deciding factor of wether you win or lose the teamfight. I get ur point tho it can be helpful. Maybe grip’s cool down cud be replenished a small bit (maybe 3-5 secs) if it is interupted, as in the cases it gets cancelled, it will allow the player to save the fight. Thanks for the input!

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Wait. LW pull doesn’t break environmentals? It just gets stuck?

That’s pretty stupid.

It will break things like fences but the fence will also stop the grip…its such a nightmare. And why Most high elo LWs have a vendetta against fences🤣

That is pretty rubbish, but interesting to know. (Other than practice range challenges to unlock him, never played him).

The fences are the lucios enemy too