Lockdown Achievement Unobtainable

Hi there, so I have spent the last 2 days getting the assault achievements, I got the win both points with 0 deaths yesterday, and the spray was given to me once the victory appeared.
Today I open up Overwatch and play Assault. Horizon Lunar Colony. For those who dont know, the lockdown achievement is granted to a player if they are on defense, and win the game, as long as the attacking team dont get point A.
Unless I am mistaken, my team held point A. So where did I go wrong?
Game Code: PYNXXV

They can’t get any capture done.
Not a single tick, not even a fraction.
The moment the capture meter shifts, you won’t get the achievement.

At least that was the case back when i got it.

So does it cancel once the 1/3rd mark is hit, or when there is ANY shift on the meter?

At least on the 1/3.
Not sure about the any, as i managet to get it on a full zero capture.

Ill have to see then. But this seems difficult for two reasons.

  1. 90% of my assault matches im on attack
  2. When im on defense its really hard to keep point 1, let alone prevent ANY capture

It depends on the map and the team comp.

Personally i think paris and volskaya are the easiest to hold. You just need to play heroes like sym and torb. Junkrat is also good with choke points.
Soldier is quick and quite good at maneuvering.

From the old tanks orisa and rein are good. Dva maybe.
I haven’t played much assault with the new tanks around. I feel that mauga and ramattra might be good on defence.

Try to be close enough to the point that you can get rid of sneaky sombras and tracers easily.

Ultimately your brst bet are area denying heroes and the ones that you’re best at.