Looking for casual adult players

Hi there! I’m a 38 year old university prof on the west coast of North America. I’m currently hovering at the bronze/silver transition. I primarily use D.Va, Mercy and Orisa, but I am reasonably comfortable with Junkrat, Soldier, Lucio and Zen, too.

It’s hard enough being in my late 30s playing this game with folks that are … ahem … younger than me, but I also have a very excitable 9 year old son that sometimes wants to talk to my teammates on voice chat. Out of respect to my teammates (or fear of their toxicity) I usually play with the Mic off, but in a perfect world I would like to be playing with people that are ok with the odd interruption from my boy.

I am open to suggestions!

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Hey DrNick! I’m TG-LadyMusky from Tactical gaming we are looking for more people who are interested in working together as a team, improving their game play and tactics.

We hold practices twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday from 8pm-10pm EST for NA and 7pm-9pm GMT for EU. During practice you can expect to be doing scrimmages where we practice shot calling, Ult combos and coordination, focus firing ect. We are a friendly group of people, and personally have made some friends through TG.

We do have younger players but we also have grown adults with kids. In fact, for last nights practice we could hear one of our members son through his mic and everyone was super cool with it. We are a completely non-toxic community.

Our requirements are:

  • Be Respectful
  • Mic
  • Be active

If you have any questions please feel free to message me on my PSN TG-LadyMusky or on Discord at LadyMusky#0245

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I’m also looking to make some friends on overwatch for PS4.
I mainly play casual due to have two children.
So tend to just stick to playing when there asleep.

I wouldn’t say I’m great at the game but I get the basics and just like to play for fun really.

I’m 30 years old. Female and from Wales U.K.
So if you don’t mind wanting to group with a newbie that would be awesome.

I’m laid back and play for fun. :grinning:

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Hi Doc same scenario here… I have a kid. I sometimes pass the controller to my 12 yr old son. Hes formerly Platinum. Solo carries my bronze friends… Hehe. Im at Silver too (forever silver since season 6) … Nothing serious. Always quiet on the mic because Ive encountered toxic people. Ive mastered the comm wheel too btw… I only only turn on mic with nice ps4 friends. So im excited to meet like-minded chill adults. Add me up Joe_Burgers. I play the rarara girls… Moira Symmetra Sombra Pharah Plus Dva mercy and Lucio. i only play weekends Manila/Hongkong timezone. Thanks!

Hello. Same age group, no kids though. I’m just wanting to find some people who want to play regularly and try to do some teamwork. I wouldn’t be too worried about the interruption from your son, I already put up with immature younger people on mics in this game, and your son isn’t likely to rage quit and cost the team a match.

PSN: genmaicha651

Hello there. I’m 31 and also looking for some other people to play with on PS4. Normally I play with my girlfriend, but I’m also looking to branch out a bit and game with more people. I’m in Silver ranking, actually looking to improve on that next season.
I main Junkrat, but I’d like to think I’m pretty versatile. I also like to play Moira and Zen.

PSN: TheHighStandard

Hello everyone, BearM07 here 29 years old also looking for a nice bunch to run with, I speak English/German/Portugese and arabic so language shouldn’t be an Issue.


This might actually be the perfect channel for me. I’m 27, tv post production technician and looking to play and improve with interesting and communicative people. My game stats:

Main Support (Moria MercY, can flex to zen orisa )
Mid-Gold SR last season.
Developing my game sense to become a decently shot caller.

Playing with mic in the CET (central Europe) TZ.

Would love to hear From you.

Psn: kingair_six

Hi DrNick!

I’m 34, in Canada, and also interested in playing with someone regularly to climb the ranks and to have real strategies with.

I play a lot of Mercy, Moira, D.Va, Orisa, Reinhardt, Torbjorn right now.

Look me up on PSN: Xish-K


Hey guys,

I’d be happy to find friendly and mature teammates here. I’m 37, female and work for a radio station. Timezone GMT+1, sometimes I’m online at odd hours though depending on my shifts. Main languages are German and English.

I’ve been playing Overwatch since the beta and I’d say I’m pretty decent, but due to the growing toxicity and harrassment I rarely ever join group/team chats and thus also stopped playing competitive a long time ago. I’d love to use my mic again and team up for some great attacks.

My current faves are Moira (slowly surpassing Zenyatta in playing time), Brigitte, Orisa and Sombra, but I play whatever role is needed. Let’s have some fun :slight_smile:

PSN: Lucienna


We have a group of all 18 + members. Most of us have kids as well. Guys and gals. All non toxic. You can join us. We use discord to plan and hangout. Great community, around 80 members. If interested, you can PM PSN Agrrlhasnoname or Vinylveganpunk