Looking for genuine DPS tips

Background :

I am currently sitting around 3150 SR. I am by pure definition a tank main, with Support as my second role.
Whenever I feel like playing DPS, I tend to lean towards Genji, Ashe, and Pharah.
I used to be a mcree and soldier player on console, but aiming on PC vs console is a whole new ballpark.

I have fairly good gamesense on all three roles, but find myself under performing on DPS mainly because of two reasons :

  1. Nervousness, especially in mirror 1v1’s or hitscan duels.
  2. My aim is about as consistent as an animator’s upload schedule.

So, if you have any beginner or advanced tips, please reply!

  • Find a better sensitivity (usually you want to go low, like 800 dpi, 4 sens. in game)
  • Practice duels in FFA
  • Practice your aim



get something like aim hero.getting good aim can give u the calmness/confidence u need to win those 1v1s.on the ffa try to always go for headshot, no sr on the line no probs.man u rank higher than me so i can’t rly help u but just see if u can understand the areas of command dat ur heros have.the distance u have to be(2 close u might be ez meal, 2 far not do anything) to be effective against other heros(it changes cause ur oponent also comands space), look up for big burst combos on youtube or wherever u might find that info.abuse passives, if ur playing a hero with a passive like genji dats exploitable.use ur tanks for cover thats why they are there and dont forget to peal.sneaky flank can be good at least 2 per game, try to move around them and be aware where they are looking.just basic tips u probs already got this down in diamond tho

Best aim guides i know:

Practicing in FFA can improve your mechanics but doesn’t really teach you how to play the heroes properly in an actual match.
To improve at any hero, i suggest finding people who are really good at them and watch their streams/videos. Try to take notice of their decisions and think about why they do what they do.
If you notice them do something often with great success, try it out for yourself.

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I am a genji main, and I have played genji for over 200 hours, and I am in diamond on my main account, and my tips for genji are: aim doesn’t matter as much as much as other heroes do, you just need good game sense, learn your combos, avoid fighting mei, briggitte, and mccree in close range so you wont get stunned or frozen. Genji’s biggest enemy is crowd control, or any hero that can effect your movement. Always save your dash for disengaging if you dont think you can finish someone off quickly. Use tanks like dva roadhog and rein to charge your ult quickly, and always melee.

When to engage as genji: usually engage when your entire team is pushing, or when you see ann enemy healer or dps heroes like hanzo, soldier, bastion, widow, or junkrat that is somewhat away from the enemy team, dash to them, finish them off, then dash away to safety

How to use genji’s ult: when you have your ult, either combo it with nano, grav, shadder, or tell ur mercy to pocket you. But before you ult, kill the enemy zen or lucio, or tell your team to put pressure on the enemy team to force out trans or sound barrier, then you will be able to ult safely. When you can ult, dash into the crowd of people, turn around then ult, and dash through the crowd of people again to deal 100 damage(you’ll have to do all of this really quick, or you won’t be able to pull off a good blade), after that, turn around again, and slash, and it should kill someone that is not a tank. After you’ve killed the first person, dash to someone else, slash, then do that again and again until your ult goes on cooldown.