Looking for gold ranked (or casual)

Hi folks,

I’m an old man playing mostly soldier (but with less grey hair than him!). I put lots of efforts in playing well but I’m chill about the outcomes.
I’m gold right now, back from the bronze hell (just joking).
I’m lookin For people to play together and have fun, I work a lot during the week and I have a family so I’m not looking for too much commitment and clan life, we can play together when we catch up. Write your ID if you want to be added.

Ps I’m Italian so it could happen that i will ask to repeat what you’ve told if the action do not let me focus on the translation.

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Hi mate, I am Italian too. 34 years old, gold rank as well. I play since 2018 but at the moment I’m done with ranked games. I only play quick with a couple of friends (we are all around 35). If you want to join us you are very welcome! We like to play for fun, just for chill after a long day at work.

My battletag is BaffoMoretti#21820

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