Looking for LifeWeaver tips WY8D3B


Looking for tips…

:pouting_cat: :+1:

Best tip for LW, if winning is your objective, is to swap next time you are in spawn.

I’m surprised the sombra didn’t focus you more on your attack.
Always be aware of where her teleporter lines go and leave a danger ping in that direction.
I saw a few points where you could have used your plstform to relocate. Like getting on top of the truck faster at the end of your attack round.

I’m glad you stopped healing a full health tank while he was returning from spawn.

A few good offensive pulls, but you also pulled a teammate into the arms of the defending orisa during the second area.

Your positioning and repositioning timings on defence need more practice.

Also awareness it seems.
You got attacked by a sombra on the roof, of course she’ll come after you. You can’t just hide in a corner from her.

Why waste a tree outside of battle in an open area? You could have waited a little with that and gotten more use out of it by blocking the ram ult.

The video stopped working a bit into your second attack round for me.
You’re allowed to use petal selfishly too to relocate.

Just remember to always either melee or shoot the enemy sombra, especially if you’re seeing her translocating away.

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