Looking for low Diamond players for a league

Hello everyone!

I’m looking for a low diamond player who want to join our little team in a platinum league. We are all mid-high platinum players but we are allowed to bring some experienced players to our team to improve our games.
We are looking for a tank or dps main. If you are interested on joining in our league let me know.
You don’t have to play comp with us, just our league matches :smiley:

Can i join? I mainly play dva and lucio but can play a variety of heroes im mid to low diamond

I play Tracer and Reaper for DPS and currently main Tracer. PSN is ENDEROFDEATH00

Hey, I’m currently mid plat, flex player but I’ve been playing Dva and Moira for while now. It would be cool to join league also it would be great to play in Comp also. My PSN: WPWET