Looking for members

(PS4)I need 5 players have the following requirements :
(((((you should be master at least )))))
FIRST : MAIN DBS Specially PHARAH , HANZO make smurf call it
( o0Gin0o )
SECOND : MAIN TANKS Specially RAIN , WINSTON make smurf call it
( o0Vodka0o )
THIRED : MAIN TANKS Specially ZARYA , DEVA make smurf call it
( o0Bourbon0o )
FOURTH : MAIN HEALERS Specially MERSY , MOIRA make smurf call it
( o0Tequila0o )
FIFTH : MAIN HEALERS Specially ANA , LUCIO make smurf call it
( o0Scotch0o )
AFTER , MAKING The SMURF ADD o0vermouth0o and Writte massage say in it ( do like Hoag …? )
then wait .

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Yo do u guys play on EU we our team is looking to scrim some time we got diamonds and masters in our team.
MrHoward-2 PSN tag. Hit me up if u interested


I’m 19 years old French guy and my main account is Cdx092. I would really like to join your Overwatch Team.

I’m currently on EU servers top 500 with 4083 sr (season 16).

I mainly main Symmetra (top 8 on overbuff) and mercy (top 103 on overbuff) with more than 300 hours on each hero. Besides, I also main supports (all of them) with more than 100 hours on each support characters.

I’m very positive and without any sign of toxicity or tilting.

Thanx in advance.