Looking for Translators for OWWare! [⚡Project: OWWare Extended]

:zap:Project: OWWare Extended
Where more microgames and boss stages as well as more other languages are introduced!

As OWWare - WarioWare Microgaming! has been played and favored in many regions (including Americas, Europe, Asia, and China), we are now :mag:looking for more volunteer translators for more languages & improvements, such as:

· English (for improvement on wordings/phrasings)
· Traditional Chinese/Taiwan Localization(繁體中文)
· Japanese(日本語)
· Spanish (Español)
· German (Deutsch)
· Russian (pусский)
· ??? And more if you want!

Additionally, more microgames & boss stages as well as more questions for “Pop Quiz” microgame to be added (estimate to be 80 microgames, 20 boss stages, :fire:feel free to suggest!!!) while the import codes will be made individually (1 import code = 1 language) due to script size limit.

Q: What the hell is OWWare?
A: OWWare is a custom game that emulates the gameplay style of the WarioWare game series on Nintendo consoles. Following link contains everything about OWWare: → workshop.codes/owwarez

Q: Will i get paid for this?
A: No, as of now, it is volunteer work. However, i would like to pay at some point in the future.

For those interested, look for #⚡owware-extended-info in my Discord server to get started