Looking for UK friends

Hey everyone,
I’ve written a few posts here trying to make friends.

Seems most people who I have added aren’t nearby, and I’d love to make friends who actually are in the UK.

I mostly play Lucio/Orisa/Moira

I’m 22/F really friendly, love to chat and have fun. So please add me :blush:



I mean, is the problem ping or is it just that you want people from the uk?

My ping is fine. Just would like to make some friends who live nearby.

I’m in Wales! I think that’s still in the UK but not sure with all the nonsense that’s going on atm. I have a couple of other chaps with play semi regular with me, one also in Wales, the other in Birmingham. I usually play Sombra, Mercy or Brigitte, other Welsh chap plays Reaper or Reinhardt, brummie chap is so in love with Moira I think they’re getting married this summer.

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You are hilarious! xD
I’d love to play sometime.

How often are you on? I’ll see if I can get the others on at the same time and introduce you to them. They’re harmless. Mostly. But they’ll be nice I promise :slightly_smiling_face:.

Normally at least a few hours a day.
I look forward to playing with you guys! :slight_smile:

Hey Chinchillax,

Check out Esports Wales - Welcome to Esports Wales.

