Looking to make a team

I am looking for players who are interested in playing in a (at least somewhat) serious 6 stack/team on PS4 and EU servers. SR range: 2700-3300 but I don’t think I will be very strict about that. If you 2600SR for example, don’t hesitate :slight_smile:

Requirements to join are:

  • understanding the basics of Overwatch. You must be familiar with team comps, counter picking, ult economy and things of this nature
  • be willing to accept criticism, learn from it and improve (VOD review will be something we will do occasionally so you will have to record your POV)
  • be vocal: communication is one of the most important skills in the team based game of OW
    At least at the start, I will be trying to be the in-game leader/shot caller (making decisions about team comps and calls on positioning and ults usage) unless someone else who is better than me joins the team so
  • you need to be able to follow the caller’s suggestion
  • Hero pool: you need to able to fill one role in an actual team. Roles are
    Main tank (Rein, Winton, Orisa). Probably the most important role, the main tank player must be vocal and willing to do the target calling
    Off-tank (D.Va, Zarya, Hog)
    Mercy player lol (who can play other supports like Lucio). The ability to track enemy ults or shot call would be a great bonus but aren’t required
    Zen player (who can play other supports like Moira)
    DPS players who will need to flex on many DPS heroes depending on the meta/starts we will be playing as well as other heroes like Zarya and Brigitte. In the current meta, Hanzo is the obvious choice for one of DPS heroes slots
    We already have a few candidates but a Projectile DPS, Main Tank & Main support and are still needed.
    (Personally, I can flex to many heroes and roles but I would probably prefer to play the Zen role :stuck_out_tongue: so that role)
  • be available to play at least 3 days per week between 3:00 pm and 8:30 pm GMT or something close to that.
    -15+ years old

The goal of this team for me is to play OW at a decent level (meaning not having to worry about things such as regrouping or having people not willing to play what the team needs them to play) while having fun playing, you know, the actual game of OW :smiley: . Climbing at least a bit shouldn’t be hard either after we play a bit and build up some synergy, improve our coordination… The fact that lots of people are using the lfg system to play in uncoordinated groups should also help :wink:
If this sounds like something for you please message me on Discord anto_akx-99#6018

Thank you :slight_smile: