Losing 200+sr in a day

That would imply you are a relatively new player, the MMR system didn’t accurately place you in your first placements and you are now levelling out.

Seems like you’re the biggest troll here.
You’re talking about individual performance in a game which is 99% team based, individual performance does not matter that much when the rest of the team is performing well.

I have stopped playing OW for 2.5 years and lately returned and started playing main Zarya tank (had 3k+ back in the day)

It’s unplayable now, I don’t know if it’s the MM or the influx of new people / kids.
As tank, especially Zarya, it’s hard to not perform, but the main issue here is DPS. The DPS in my last 8 games (all losses) are due to bad DPS compared to the enemy team.

To add, I hardly complain about DPS. Just take the hit on the loss and move to the next match.
I’m replying because your explanations here make 0 sense hence trolling comes into play.

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Greetings NoMercyDes, have you try to play full party? If u didn’t I high recomend you.All best in the future.

I got a new account for myself. Played placements and got healer in 2488, so close plat right? I lost one game and dropped to 2467 so -21sr. Happily believing that I need two wins for plat. But as overwatch likes to flip to it’s players so I lost the game again. But not only I lost the game I lost exactly 200sr?? How can one lose be so fatal? So I was near plat, lost two games and now I am almost silver. This system really is broken and does not motivate to play.

First few games after placements they are doing “SR adjustments” so you will get big gains and falls. Usually about 10 games.

After that you should be roughly in the right place.

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