Losing endorsement for bad WIFI in quick play games

I’m losing endorsement for bad WIFI in quick play games, I think this makes no sense. I know they want quick play to still contain competitive integrity so it isn’t as acceptable to throw or anything, but I’m just trying to play OW. I don’t want to play competitive because I know my WIFI can be spotty but its random and not SUPER often, so I play quick play. But then I get booted for 15 seconds 5 games in and by the time I reconnect I see my endorsement level went down. This really sucks. I am pleading with the OW team to consider removing these changes from quick play OR splitting these into “casual” and “unranked” because I cannot stand being punished for spotty WIFI in a game mode where THE POINT is supposed to be that the game’s aren’t consequential. If I cannot play with WIFI that only cuts for 5 seconds every 5 games or so in unranked, I can’t play at all.

Try plugging your device directly into the router instead of using WiFi. Will give you more stability.