Losing Endorsement level for being disconnected? Bright Idea!

So probably it’s important for everyone their endorsement level, and since I have a bad connection lately which is very weird, it has low latency etc. and all of a sudden it disconnects me from a match in this case competitive match. I’ve been disconnected from 2 competitive matches because of my bad internet (which is understandable if you live in Bosnia a hardcore poor country which has nothing good to give). I’ve lost 1 level which is hard to get, went from 3 to 2, just because my connection was bad. This is literally making me not want to play if I’m going to lose it this easily and I won’t be able to get any rewards of it when I reach level 0 just because of my internet. Honestly a good Idea by overwatch team to have this done, I feel bad and everyone else that loses it for this stupid reason will feel bad. I literally lost motivation now for playing. I hope someone can clear up my negative mind right now.


Sadly as the other person who has replied has stated if your connection is a issue you may be better off avoiding competitive play altogether because others who are in such teams will see that as a huge let down given how tough any of those matches are under a good set of conditions it’s not fair to expect a team to give you endorsements if you have a shoddy connection and it disconnects leaving them likely hamstrung.


You said yourself that your connection is unstable. I wouldn’t want you in my comp team if your just gonna leave and essentially throw the match, accidental or not. Please stay out of competitive until you get a more reliable connection.


Maybe I shouldn’t play, but it’s just getting trash this f-ing game I’m sick of it, grind on anything goes just like flushing the toilet, useless. And literally every answer is not what I was seeking for, I love it!
And ow team won’t do anything about this definitely, everything’s trash.

same happened to me, some Minutes ago… my provider is shi* here in Germany, and i dropped from 3 to 2…
It should get handeled differently…

I was doing really well in one of my comp matches as a healer (Ana/mercy) and next thing i know when the match is over, it tells me my endorsement level drops from 2 to 1 … my group said someone had reported me that’s why it dropped. But why I was playing ana, and now i have to start over because someone just hated that i was playing well. I did not talk the entire match I usually never type unless it’s to my team to tell them what we should play. Endorsements should only drop if the reports are legitimate not out of spite. I work so hard to get these levels up and I have no idea how many endorsements I have in order to level.

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If losing endorsement levels due to a bad connection in comp discourages players from joining comp with a bad connection then that is just a plus for the new system.


Endorsement system isn’t suppose to be farmed, it’s there so the community can vote if you are beneficial to the team in a team game. Since no one likes leavers (regardless if it’s a DC due to internet or intentional deranking/rage quitting, etc) and there’s no way of negative votes the system does it for us by punishing such behavior. It would be extremely unfair if someone who leaves matches on a regular basis had the same endorsement level as someone who doesn’t.

I know that’s not what you wanted to hear Brate, but that’s how it’s suppose to work because it’s fair that way.

If it helps you calculate, I did read somewhere that leaving a match (regardless if qp, comp or arcade) deduces 50 endorsements.

Best advice I can give you is try and figure out when and why you lose connection. I know that internet in your region is bad but there might be a pattern. When I used to live in Croatia (roughly 10 years ago) my ISP would reset the connection around 3am like clockwork so I would avoid doing anything important at that time. Also weekends tend to have more connection losses due to more users. Try playing with ports, use ethernet cable instead of wifi.

Good luck


I lost a lvl of endorsement too for dropping out becouse my internet got disc. It would be ok if i hadnt come back all game but i came back a minute later and it already was gone. So if you punish poeple for leaving or dropping out, do it after the game ends(or at least after the counter goes to 0) so if they come back they wont get punished…

If there is even the slightest chance that you might get a disconnect during competitive play, you should NOT engage in such an action UNTIL your issues are fixed.

Engaging into competitive play WITH the knowledge that your internet connection is unstable means to let your team down and to expose the people you play with to the risk of losing a match. There is no excuse for it.

… over the last 3-5 Months the amount of european players reporting connection issues in Overwatch grew immensly (or so it seems).

People started wondering.

The news about the new 50 ping issue and that they changed how you can view connectivity ingame did not help either…

Rather strange considering the fact that we are living in times of highly sophisticated internet infrastructure…

Imho :blush:

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Sry Thora but your comment is dump… I didnt know my connection might be disconected… it sometimes just happens to everyone so pls dont talk to me like you know…

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Endorsement is completely meaningless, I wouldn’t worry about it


While I understand the point of those who are saying you shouldn’t play ranked with a lame connection, the current system seems way too rough to be balanced. I just lost endorsement for less than 1 min disconnection, didn’t change anything in the game, reconnected in approximately 30 seconds, but lost endorsement anyway. I’ll add that my connection is just fine 99% of the time so I have no reason to avoid ranked. In my opinion there should be some kind of threshold, enabling punishment after a given amount of time, in order to filter those who are trying their best and those who just give up.


You need to leave at lest 5 games to lose some endorsements so stop acting innocent.
Imho you left like 5 games and got dc once or you’r just lying.
And leaving is bad for your team so you are hurting them… i believe that people must lose endorse for leaving and i’m firmly standing by that believe. And they need to lose it even if it’s just a one game leave no exceptions… If you don’t have internet don’t play the game. If you’re poor get a job… Why must anyone help you when you did make the game worse for 11 other players by leaving ?

This game doesn’t punish leaving enough and you need to leave a lot of games to get endorse punish’d not just one…

I’m sorry my good sir but you are likely wrong. I didn’t find any reference clearly stating a 5 games threshold. Please don’t share informations without proof and call people liars to strenghten your point. I already said that I understand the frustration of having a leaver, but your vision of real life is too narrow. Everybody experienced a lagg spike that can lead to a short disconnection, even if you have money. I’ll add that only a small proportion of OW players have a really strong connection, depending on the country they live in and their devices. However, Blizzard main objective is to make their games affordable for as many players as possible, including those who lack a good connection. In that case, punishing people because they cannot afford a stronger connection (not to mention the part where getting a job is irrelevant in your text) doesn’t fit with their objective of equity. If you haven’t experienced the problem, don’t be so quick to judge. In Starcraft II, I cannot enjoy my ultrawide monitor because it wouldn’t be fair for those who have a standard device. Yet, should I tell them to get a better job and an ultrawide monitor? My point is : let’s deal in greys instead of black and white, Blizzard is an amazing company, and they have the means to do so.


its not exacly 5 games but its the same as the old penalty.
If you left enough games to be punish’d for leaving only then do they take endorse level. That number is somewhat close to 5 for qp and 1 for comp.
I can’t be nice to leavers im sorry. That thing breaks games and makes the game unfun even when you are the one vs 5 players its just sad.

That’s correct. Level 4 for a while and working towards 5, DSL drops sync and I get thrown out of my QP game. I get back on a minute later, thinking they’re done with whatecer unannounced maintenance they were doing, enter the queue, and just as the game starts and I am told to prepare my defenses I am out again.

Getting back on yet again, and I am down to level 3.

You are losing for each and every game you “leave”, intentionally or not. Even for those where the matchmaker puts you in at the last second and you don’t even get to pick a character before it’s over.

With each and every irregularity the level threshold increases. Play 1000 games without issues and disconnect once - you’re a quitter who leaves on purpose and needs punished immediately.

Same. My internet was completely okay but then it went from like 20 - 40 latency to 400+. I disconnected and went from Endorsement Level 4 to 3. I lost my motivation, rejoined, finished the match.

Anniversary 2019
3 times gettinig kicked from server…
not my end since it conected automatically without any issue
how about turn off losing endorsements during events if you know that servers are unstable?
P.S. I want my endorsements back since I didn’y leave a single game, I was disconected from it cause of your servers

Have same. Sometimes get disconnects. So out of 30 games I get one disconnect - bah! - your level decrease. I don’t leave - I get kicked due to lagg spike.
The funny thing is that my bf leaves alot of games and his endorsement drops way slower - he can leave up to 5-8 games without getting any punishements.
Seems like being disconnected is way worse than leaving game lol