Lost 300 sr since the start of the season. What do I do?

I managed to get to gold as support in role queue beta and got up to 2375 in this season then started losing it all. Rn I’m sitting at 2045 and i refuse to play support bcs I don’t wanna lose my rank. I have about 15k heals per match and I think my team is performing well most of the time. I play mercy and moira.

Don’t play mercy and work on your Moira unless you have a Phara.

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yeah , moira is honestly freelo when played half decently.

In heal its pretty hard ranking up by solo queing, unless you are an extremely good ana / bap. Just play tank or dps, or queue with a good dps.

The game is broken beyond repair. I’m currently 3201 on Support (after hard solo grind from 2.8k as Ana). On dps and tank I have combined lost 1200+ SR this season. 2.3k on tank and 2.4k on dps - down from Diamond. I’m usually the only one who talks in voice, I wait for my team to group (which they never do) people are generally fed up and all they want is to kill the enemy team 1v6 because they saw a noobhunter clip. I had 5 thrower/leaver in a row in my tank games because they didn’t get to play Echo.
I would reccomend you taking a break and don’t play OW for a while. You could play tank or dps to learn and improve your understanding of the game but you should stay away from Support this season and wait for the next :slight_smile:

Why is the game broken? Obviously people are winning.

Matchmaking is broken. I seemed to be cursed on this account. My other account has games I enjoy - people talking, combo ults etc - still the exact same rank as my main account.
I think I have to actually document this stuff and post it on reddit for people to believe me.