Lost sr and got banned, due to failed to connect to server

Now I’ve got 2 hour ban, and I’ve dropped to silver due to error of failed to connect to server, on top of that due to mic issue I’ve dropped out of plat and now stuck in silver probably.

Blizzard this is not fair to me, I get the mic issue, you don’t wanna fix but atleast do “failed to connect to server” issue is on your side.

This game is dead, took 20 minutes to find a game, that I cannot even connect to.

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If you got banned, it’s definitely not your first disconnect, so the problem is probably on your end. Mic issue’s the same. How would that be Blizzard’s fault?


I can understand it’s frustrating when you lose SR or get a leaver penalty from issues outside of your control, though it’s not something we can assist with directly.

For more information about this, check out the post over here: OVERWATCH TECHNICAL ISSUES, SR LOSS, AND LEAVER PENALTIES .

If you run into connection issues a lot you can also find some great troubleshooting resources linked in that post.

I can tell you for sure, a couple of weeks ago while I was on comp queue, a game was found but I never joined for some reason. Even after hitting “REJOIN GAME” multiple times, nothing would happen. I had to log off and back on and by the time I was back, I was penalized for queueing plus deducted SR. And I had now connect issues. My point is, that was the first game I “did not join” and I got penalized right on the spot. So Blizzard will ban you either it’s your first time or not. Either it’s an issue on your end or theirs. They don’t care

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If it’s your first time leaving (or “leaving”), it will be a 10min ban for ranked. 10min is basically nothing. Sure, you get the SR and XP penalty, but XP don’t matter either way and SR doesn’t matter in the long run (lower SR = easier games = higher win rate = easier climb to where you belong).
If you play without leaving for a couple of matches after that first penalty, your penalty progression will be reset, if you leave more often, they ban times will increase further and further.

I too had a time when i got server error messages (so I stopped playing ranked, because I’m not a douche and don’t want to ruin other people’s games). After getting a new PC, it didn’t happen anymore - so eventhough the error message made it look like a server fault, it was my own.
The only real time where servers become a huge issue is during updates. Just don’t play during update time.^^

This makes absolutely no sense.
How can you call one a “douche” if they have no control over it? It doesn’t even harm anyone since you the game is automatically cancelled and you are put back in a high-priority queue.

Nobody would intentionally leave a game BEFORE the champ select. Blizzard should take this into consideration before issuing penalties to whoever can’t connect to a game that hasn’t even started.

Personally, I am exhausted by this. It happens once in a while and my SR and endorsement level drop every single time. There is absolutely no way for me to predict it nor to avoid it, I just have to accept it.

Given that many more seem to have the same problem, Blizzard could at least try to fix the issue, and if it’s not on their end, then inform the players about what they should do to fix it.

I queued for a competitive game with my friend and when the game started i was stuck on the competitive game selection without being able to do anything,after that it kicked me from the game i lost sr and endorsment and got a 15 minute suspension so we queued for a quick game and it happende again my internet connection was stable and the pc is brand new please resolve thank you. Just to get iit out there its my first leave .

My problem is that twice this week I had the game freeze up forcing me to kill the process and start again- and then I was NOT allowed to rejoin the match, instead getting 15 minutes suspension, lost SR, and lost an endorsement level.

I would have been able to be back in the match in less than two minutes, but now, instead the game was ruined for both me and my team, who lost 5 v 6 because I was not allowed to rejoin.

Even better, one of the two times I actually saw team chat and match chat as I got back in the game, I saw my teammates talking about in match chat how I’m “AFK”, when in reality I was stuck in the menu, no option to rejoin and suspended.