Low, fluctuating FPS ONLY on first 5-10 minutes of startup

So, when I start up Overwatch, I go into practice range to warm up. Each time I first initially start the game, it starts out giving around 70-80 fps. As the game renders more, it fluctuates between 70-120 fps. It does this for about 5-10 minutes and usually has a low peak of 30 fps at certain moments. After 5-10 minutes pass, the game then stabilizes at 165 fps, which is the cap I set. This started happening quite a few months ago, and there have been times in between now and then where the game doesn’t show this behavior and seems to render much more quickly. All of my drivers are up to date as well as Windows. I have Ryzen 5 3600x processor with a RX 5600XT graphics card. I suspect it has the most to do with the AMD processor since it only has this trouble on the first initial start of Overwatch. The game would also crash before, but after turning off game boost in bios (which i didn’t even know was on), it would do this same behavior but without crashing. It’s obviously not surprising game boost was the main perpetrator behind the crashing, I would’ve figured that out way sooner if I had known it was on in the first place (the takeaway from that, always double check your bios settings if your games keep crashing). Anyway, I haven’t been able to stop this low fps on startup issue otherwise. I highly doubt my processor is too weak to render the game properly, seeing as it rendered far more normally before this started happening. CPU load is usually maxed out during this time but the temperature is stable. Definitely not a graphics card issue. My best guess is the game is just a little funky with AMD hardware and they need to do some optimization work for AMD products. Not necessarily a game breaking issue especially since I stopped the crashes, but it’s still quite annoying. If Blizzard could take a look at this, that would be really great!

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I also have this issue and have had it for months. Exact same symptoms, I’ll play a custom game to warm up for the first 5-10 minutes while the fps issue sorts itself out and then frames will shoot up to 165 and remain stable for the rest of my session.

CPU : AMD Ryzen 5600G
Video Card: AMD Radeon RX 6600
Driver Version

I’ve read that console players have issues too.
For me the usual was to have the cpu at 100% usage after I launch the game.
I would wait for fifteen minutes and then it would normalize and fps would average to sixty.
From today, the fps won’t go above ten.
Same graphics settings as yesterday, nothing changed on my end.

Updated gpu driver to the latest version and everything is fine now.