Low fps on startup

I’ve been experiencing low fps on the first 2-3 minutes every time I launch the game. Stuck at around 30-50 fps and then after 2-3 minutes spiking up to my normal 200. Problem is I have to be in practice range for the first minutes on EVERY startup to not be useless my first match. Don’t really think I should be experiencing these issues either as my friends with lower end PCs have no such problems. No issues with any other games either. My specs are:
Ryzen 7 2700x CPU
RX 5700 GPU
2x8gb 3200mhz RAM

Yes it is a problem, I have an even better PC but still feels laggy first couple minutes. Also the games takes forever to turn off after you press exit game

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I have exactly both problems since my new PC. I can deal with the low fps because my queue time is pretty long.
But it’s kinda annoying, if it takes few minutes to shut down the Overwatch.exe process. I always have to use the task-manager to be able to start OW without waiting.

If you find a solution for this problem, feel free to tell me/us :smiley:

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I also get this. Only happens in OW2 doesn’t happen in any other games, and as one poster said the game takes forever to turn off when I press exit game too. Would appreciate a dev response regarding this.

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