Low framerate despite good computer


For some reason OW2 has very poor performance on my computer.
At epic settings i’m running at ~45FPS, on low I’m getting ~75-80 FPS.
Also getting some noticeable input lag.

My computer has the following specs:
CPU: i7 10700K
GPU: RTX 3090 (latest nvidia driver)
System: Windows 11 (frech install)
Screen res: 1440p

I would expect to be running at 200-300 FPS on max settings, as with other games. Currently it’s barely playable (I’m running on a 165Hz display so even 70FPS is bad).

I tried everything, updating the driver, reinstalling the game, etc. I always get crappy perfs.

Any way to troubleshoot that ?


I have a laptop, GTX 950m, 8gb of RAM. Honestly this is a very good pc, multimedia and gaming crossover. I’ve been able to run Overwatch nicely for the past 4 years. The engine changed, graphics are high despite being on low settings. And now the fps keeps droping. Very annoying and I just don’t understand why. So yeah, the game is still as unstable as during the beta and I don’t understand how.

I have RTX2070. Using 1080p 144hz screen. In every so called demanding game I am getting 144fps with GPU at 20 to 30% usage.
Only in OW I am getting around 110fps with 100% GPU usage. The game is not optimized at all. But given the fact that it took Blizzard 4 years to release the same game with a few maps and 3 new heroes and even couldn’t manage to that properly asking for optimization could be too much at this stage.

maybe worth a try



—> Remember to use Display Driver Uninstaller ( http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html ) to completely clean out your old driver.

—> This includes setting Overwatch at Maximum Performance (not optimal power) for Power Management

Thanks guys I fixed it. Using the display driver uninstaller didn’t help, however ditching Windows 11 and installing Windows 10 instead fixed it. I now have 300 FPS at epic.
I’ve been told Win11 wasn’t great, however I didn’t expect it to be THAT bad.

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