Low to mid silver looking for teammates

I’ve been stuck in silver for some time, and while I realise that’s probably because I’m not the best player, I would like help getting out of this rank. I’ve been in for so long and no matter how high I rise I always fall again. Please help.

I think I’ve given up on comp by this point. I’m now in bronze. Ugh

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Add PreDrinkBrink. I’m a diamond but that’s my low ranked account. Looking to make a small group to learn and climb together

Hey I’m LadyMusky from Tactical gaming we are looking for more people who are interested in working together as a team, improving their game play and tactics.

We hold practices twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday from 8pm-10pm EST for NA and 7pm-9pm GMT for EU. During practice you can expect to be doing scrimmages where we practice shot calling, Ult combos and coordination, focus firing ect. We are a friendly group of people, and personally have made some friends through TG.

Our requirements are:

  • Be Respectful
  • 16+
  • Mic
  • Be active

If you have any questions please feel free to message me on my PSN TG- LadyMusky.

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Hi im akr/kingkragger04 i would like to join your group if you would like me too i main reaper but i can play tank also, i have the same problem as many others i cant find a team to queue with

Hey, I’d be glad to help ya! I’m boosting a friend’s account, and id love to have someone to duo with while I do. The account is in gold, but my own account is normally 4000-4100. Add CrimsonKing755, and shoot me a message! I don’t check this forum that often lol

I’ll play with you but it looks like you have already found people. Still down to tho.

Hi, th3romulo3 , I want to get better and have fun. I am interested in doing the practices and playing with a cohesive team. Let me know who should I reach. Thanks