Lucio left in the dust

I just did my Comp CTF games and was ranked low gold after going 10/10 as Lucio in every game and was critical to winning as most of the games were over in about a minute just speed boost a roadhog over and back. Why does Lucio get no love for how critical I was to our victories?

Feels pretty stupid that he doesn’t get credit for being the absolute core of a CTF team

Why would you complain, i ranked 1900 as df :nerd_face:

(my Doomfist is ~2.9’ish in normal comp)

Because it felt like I wasn’t being rewarded for how integral I was to our winning. Since they don’t measure speed boost

I just did placements with and also noticed that it definitely sucks that the rank is based on the medal system and Lucio’s speed boost counts for nothing. My teammate got at least 1 capture every game and if he didn’t cap the flag himself he speed boosted the person who did. I played Moira only got one capture all 10 matches, got some medals, and ranked 400 higher than him.

I played lucio and placed 4.1k? It’s just going off your actual mmr your not just going to suddenly place gm because you did ok.