Match making is horribly awry

I have played 15 games in a row and lost 11 of them. I am support and in each of them I have had the most or one of the most healing in the game between both teams. What is going on with the match making? Right when I made it to silver, even though I was regularly gold in OW1, I get blocked by these ridiculous matches? I am always good to my team and others and I report all bad behavior I see, so why am I being punished like this? This never happened in OW1


This is commendable but doesn’t affect how the matchmaker works.

Sadly your healing stats don’t carry the team to victory if they don’t score the kills. And that is the only thing you talk about here.
So much more than that affects a match outcome, but since you were regularily gold i’m sure you know that.

Your own damage and eliminations are just as important on the scoreboard as your healing stats, as you can’t trust your team to do good enough.

Outside of bronze, your gamesense and positioning starts getting really important as well. Not to mention recognizing who in the enemy team is the most dangerous. Sometimes just distracting a single enemy for a few seconds might be enough to secure a teamfight win.

And sometimes you just get unlucky with people who are the best at heroes who are being aggressively countered.

I recommend playing on weekdays instead of holidays, and around midday if you play on weekends.
There will be less people online so the match quality will be better as the matchmaker is only matching a few million people instead of a hundred million.

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Surely a greater population will provide better matchmaking as there will be more people alike that are online… right? Rather than the MM being forced to look towards the next best division.

From my own personal experience.

The most even matches i’ve had are during early afternoons during weekdays. Weekend evenings have been the worst when it comes to the amount of stomps i’ve experienced.

What i believe happens, is that when less people are online the matchmaker doesn’t need to rush as badly.

With more people online it’s likely that the people you were the best match for have already been put into subpar games and you too will get the next best opponent.

It does take a little longer to get a match earlier in the day than evening, but that just means that the matchmaker takes more time to put you into a game. During the busy evenings it’s sometimes matched me in seconds.

Someone should probably start gathering data if the matches feel more balanced when the matchmaker takes longer and what their personal percentage of stomps is and if it correlates at all to the matchmaking speed.

I don’t know if this is what actually happens, but it is my experience on the matter.

Fairs. Either way, the matchmaker is as bad as it can be given the amount of one-sided matches I experience + also the number of the leavers I see.

While maybe partially true with the onesided matches, i still don’t think the matchmaker has as much to do with leavers as you seem to think.
Apart from influencing the decision making of the player maybe, but that comes down to the player in the end.

There seemed to be quite a few crashes during the week before christmas, several games had at least one.
People just stopped moving in the middle of things and then stood still for around 10-20 seconds before leaving the match.
Always the same way.

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Still seems odd to blame the match maker for players decisions.

The only time a leaver isn’t the fault of the player is if it is a disconnect (internet dying, server dc, power cut and so on). Even that, that is zero to do with the match maker.

The match maker has no impact on player behaviour. How you behave is a personal decision you make.

It might seem odd to you if you haven’t played other competitive games, or understand how those competitive queues work. It’s fine :slight_smile:.

I play Apex, Valorant in comp… Still player decisions not the match maker to blame for people leaving.

I don’t know anything about the queues on those games.

You don’t need to. The queues have nothing to do with player decisions.

To suggest otherwise, is to suggest players don’t have free will… Which would be problematic.

They do on the likes of Dota and CS - low priority queues move griefing/leavers/AFKers into a queue of their own until they’re proven to be stable.

Nothing problematic about that.


But Overwatch has its own version of such a system. They ban them.

My guy, I get diamond games where I would prefer bronze players to these people.
I swear they are just giving Diamond rank away for free to these new players, and when I refer to them as new you can tell by the 1 endorsement and default icon. Its an actual joke this game is so easy to climb for newer players who don’t know how to play but for those legacy accounts its a f’in nightmare!

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Ive run into a lot of cheaters lately. My team and I dominate the game and suddenly after half of the match is done we start loosing VERY hard and then i noticed the enemy dps is MOST often cheating.

Codes of such games?