Hi! this is my first time posting here, I’m really sick of the random people I play with, I know it’s not me and I know I play very well when I’m matched with a good team. I’m not a quitter but recently I couldn’t stand doing extreme effort for useless people who don’t even care or listen to tips, whenever someone asks me to fall back or anything like that I do, I even communicate with pinging.
I feel like wasting my time, and I know I sound ridiculous but this is the only game I play, and I love playing it, at some phase of my life I needed that game. since then I only play this one.
Please do something regarding the matchmaking, it’s really the worst. Also I play with toxic people who actually know nothing about the game, they’re bronze and acting like they’re top 500. We need less of those people.
FYI: I have not tried Marvel rivals, and I’m not interested.
On a side note, can the game system allow the endorsement to be for the whole team not just two? Sometimes I get matched with a wonderful coordinating team, and they all deserve endorsements, also can you consider the fact that people with high endorsements could have the potential to be good players and could be matched with each other?
Thank you