Matchmaking in OW2 is BROKEN AF!

Guys, you cant be serious about your last dev talk. This game has never been in a worse state then it is now. Matchmaking is the worst to play right now. NO FUN AT ALL! Fix your game…even i can make a better matchmaking.


Lol. Really isn’t that bad. Some games you have fun bullying low ranks. Other games you get a beating and something to learn from.

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Yes, if you are already dia and up, it might be fun but in lower ranks it is just depressing. I played with people lower my rank and it has never been as unfair as it is now for them. This game just sucks hard.


I’ve got an account in diamond MMR and one in bronze silver. All the games are the same.

No grouping, people doing derpy things. I had the best Push game yesterday. The score board and result just didn’t match.

Yeah Blizzard suck when it comes to MMR.


Repeatedly insulting and flaming blizzard across multiple threads isn’t going to make them do things differently.

Repeatedly trolling isn’t going to make people like you.

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Stockholm syndrome got you bad. You’ve become one of his “compliant children”

Roku, stop insulting people. People like you should get banned


I wouldn’t get mixed in the flame wars on one side or the other unless one of them is intentionally misintrepreting something. They have been going back and forth on both sides, both being the catalyst on different threads.

If it’s off topic, just leave them to it.

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Show us your computer programming degree

Show me that you would understand it first

report/flag any inappropriate posts… hopefully moderation will do their job…



Ok. I’m sure I’ll care one day.

Also, not insulted him yet.

They wont, they’re somehow blinded, but here’s hoping!

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Its terrible atm. I dont know how ow1 was as i didnt play it but playing this game feels very unmatched at times !

Curious to see some of these games.

I just don’t see the mismatch in mine, even when the result and stats look one-sided, there is a good reason for it.

Totally agree, as you’ve probably seen I’ve called this out for a while now. Even recent comms Blizzard have stated that they’ve fixed the mismatch in the players per role, I found a number of matches to have visibly better players than one team, and if you review their profiles, you’ll see actual evidence of it - more than likely they haven’t actually fixed the issue, or they haven’t even tested it thoroughly before introducing it to production.

I had a entire day on the weekend of continual losses, either DPS lacking in damage or a feeder tank, one of the matches I had a Kuriko with literally 1,700 heals. I even provided damage boost to some of the DPS at the time of the lacking of damage, and they STILL struggled to even match the enemy DPS. Even when I exceeded the combined enemy heals, my team failed to cause a dent.

Matches are no where near the quality of OW1.

Some games are fun, others are totally one-sided, and if the profiles are open usually you can see why as I’ve mentioned above this text.

I know you’re being rhetorical when you state that you can make better matchmaking - I bet you certainly could provide more sufficient critical success factors for them to meet to make a more balanced game lol.

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Don’t worry about it, your analysis won’t help here.
Let the devs work it out like that have been doing, all we can do is provide comms of what we’re all observing.

I haven’t seen one Post on these forums where people are complimenting matchmaking as of yet.

It’s good that you’re not seeing anything in your games, maybe your configuration or whatever is what they can compare others against to see where they’re going wrong.

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Two reasons for that.

  1. Most players don’t use the forums, such a tiny number do.
  2. People tend to come here to complain, there’s rarely a positive post.

This sound far too much like something the rigged cultists on NA would say…