Matchmaking inconsistency between accounts

You’re not. You’re experiencing 2 different accounts that you assume are basically identical.

That’s not going to be the case, unless you play exactly the same, all the time, consistently. Which isn’t humanly possible.

So both accounts will be different. Could be a tiny bit, could be a massive difference. Who knows. Who cares. It doesn’t really matter.

The short and curlies of it is, they are different. So you’ll be treated differently in the algorithm accordingly.

Oh no. You might throw 2 or 3 games… That’ll be less than 1% of my total games. Not worried.

im not though. one account is climbing while the other is falling.

right… so when I spend one week on one account and one week on the other the mmr system decides to change.
thats what your implying my man.

they are different, thats exactly the issue. I am the same player. I am playing the same. I am playing the same amount at the same time.
one account is climbing while the other is falling.
its an inconsistency with the mmr system. the chances of it being anything other than mmr are so small that its not even worth considering.

let me put it this way.
blizzard have claimed that the mmr system gets an ‘accurate’ skill level for you within 10 games. i have played well over 10 games on both accoutns. by blizzards logic, both should have accurate mmr. the issue is that mmr measures performance. the same player should have the same mmr regardless of account.

okay, less than 1% of yours. what about Steve that works 12 hours shifts and can only play 2 games a night? what about the other 11 people in the game?

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Well then both accounts will be very different and you’re clearly playing with a different mindset on each one.

Thus MMR will be different, and you’ll get different matches.

Pretty simple.

Both do have accurate MMR. As based on that, you’re playing on one with an already lost subconscious mentality and clearly not playing as well as you can on your other one, which your mind thinks is amazing times.

I work 7 days a week, my 9-5 during the week, and filming/editing most evenings and weekends. Play games in my free evenings. Still manage well over 300 games in a season.

So yeah someone throwing is annoying in that brief moment. So I might report. But then I remember it’s a video game and people do weird things. Not here for the tilt. Just chilling out with mates or on my own.

If someone throws, they throw. What am I going to do about it.

different mindset? why because I lost sr?
sr is meaningless to me dude. ive reached where I wanted to, peaked rank 134. what is left for me to care about? getting rank 1? I dont have to time for that.

same as above.

perhaps the devs should define their interpretation of accuracy. you cant have to ratings be completely different and claim both are correct. one of them is wrong.

its all well and good when it is only a breif moment but with the diminishing player base, how long until that breif moment becomes ever two or three games? people already complain about smurfs despite them being less of an issue than people beleive, do we really want to add throwers on top of that?

that’s the entire issue. its takes 1 person to lose but the chances of a single person hard carrying is next to none unless they are so far below their rank that there is practically no threat.

Just because you don’t care, doesn’t mean it isn’t a thing. You’re subconscious mindset is very much something you aren’t going to notice.

But, of you are up there. The tiniest of margins make a bigger difference.