Mauga is op on competative

mauga is too op in competative mode i can no longer focus of the dps or supports as hes always there and impossible to kill him in a short timely manor unless you have a good team with communication and now its pay to win. its no longer enjoyable!


Mauga bastion mercy comp is just hard asf to counter at lower ranks it just seem like a broke mess

It’s technically not pay to win since you can get mauga for free and the fastest players already have.

I think mauga will see some more adjustment during this season, and people will also learn to counter him better.

Depending on role there are a few things you can do to make your life with him a little easier. Sigma, ramattra and dva are okay choises against him on tanks at least. I think hog can survive for a pretty darn long time against him, but you’ll be relying on your team to deal with his backline.

Dps, i’ve found some success on reaper and mei, but i don’t play dps enough to give very concrete advice on these. A good option is to also go for someone with maneuverability as Mauga can’t just jump on a high ground with you.
Another option is to just go for whoever you’re best at and get his supports and dps while he is busy melting your tank.

As a support, until mauga gets another adjustment you’re pretty darn well off with Ana. But you’ll need someone to play near you or be surprised with a flanker sooner or later.
For once, moira is a pretty good shout if your team isn’t playing a specific comp or communicating. Just save your fade for escaping or self-cleanse.
Kiriko is okay with the suzu.
Mercy’s only good if you’re good with her movement and can stay out of sight and reach.

I don’t think any of the rest have any glaringly obvious pros or cons between them.

Having played a few tank games now
 The fix seems pretty obvious.

The health / armour buff they gave him to be 50/50 was too far. So quickly knock it back to 300hp 200armour
 See how it plays.

If its still too survivable
 go to back to 350/150.

That being said. D.Va is very good against him if you don’t waste your DM. You just play above him and move around him, distracting him on off angles and peeling when he trys to do anything.

He 100% needs a slight nerf. But I think the biggest issue is he is just in every single game. Same as when any tank launches, and until it settles down, that makes the game really boring.

Whenever a new hero goes live, they will be played.

And usually the hero being new also means people don’t yet know how to play against them, which makes all the over tuned abilities feel even stronger than they are.

He definitely does need some changes though, and i wouldn’t be surprised if adjustments will be done on next week’s patch day. Or as the christmas “event” ends.

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Next patch I would expect small nerfs to him and Hog.

Not sure when that patch will be, they will be on their Christmas break, so I doubt there will be anything till maybe 9th January. Which on the flip side means they will have plenty of data to figure out what he needs.

As predicted.

They have confirmed a patch is coming to nerf Mauga “early next week”
 ie the 9th.

Looks like they are going to push him back into the niche pile for a little bit.