Mei is a problem

Gotcha! Thank you! I had gotten in to the habit of anytime
I hear the enemy team ult, I’d hit mine to try and negate any damage but always ended up frozen! Now I know!

Edit to fix mistake

So, we’re competitive community and OW is compettive esports game, right?

If you play 1v1 yes then it is an issue, unless u play as a team then most can be countered with a zarya bubble, rein shield etc etc. The time it takes to freeze someone plus being able to right click is about 3-4 seconds which is an eternity in OW.

But anyway hook is not fun, genjiweebs and doomdurr zipping around is not fun, sniper or more like “cowards overused sniper heroes” are not fun. The list can go on what is not fun in a personal matter.

I have no idea how you can claim that Mei is more of a problem than Brig and Doomfist. They’re being nerfed for a reason, and Mei received a buff last for a reason. Mei’s viability is and always has been low.

Agreed, but the idea is not to get frozen in the first place. It’s not any more enjoyable than stepping into a junkrat mine trap, from the “fun” point of view.

Junk trap, Rein Shatter, Doomfist punch, Zarya Grav, Brigitte stun, Cree flashbang, Hog hook…

Literally exactly the same as being frozen by Mei. The difference in those abilities is people tend to know how to avoid being caught in them, but for some reason still run up to a Mei and engage in CQC with her lol.

Mei is an odd hero. No other hero annoys the hell out of me more than her but she isn’t OP at all. She just has a very packed kit which can be quite lethal depending on the player’s skill level with her.

Funny thing is I began maining Tracer specifically because of how frustrating it was getting fighting against Meis as Zarya, my main main. So once I got kind of decent with Tracer, I found I could run rings around Mei and almost never got frozen or walled off because I could move around so much faster. Just have to be quick and avoid those headshots.