Mei is a problem

For the record I’m not making any comments about viability or saying she is OP at all, that is not the issue here.

The issue is she is horrible for fun and ruins gameplay enjoyment. She is worse at this than any other hero, Doom, Brig or whoever it may be. This is because rather than an ability to stun or CC people it is her primary function to take all control away from another player. That is bad game design from a fun stand point.

Even someone like Sombra with her hack, EMP, hack combo (which isn’t exactly great for gameplay) lets you move and shoot, things Mei does not offer you. The counterplay to her is not get frozen, but if you do get frozen you lose all counterplay. This means either you don’t engage on her terms which makes her pretty dull to play or you make a mistake and lose all control, making her unfun to play against. It should be (and mostly is) easier to have fun when losing a fight but Mei is a fun-sapping, catch 22 of bad game play that ensures someone has a bad experience.

Freeze alone would be bad enough, but wall, ice block and Blizzard just add insult to injury. Alone they would be fine but her having all of them is too many anti-fun mechanics in one hero. Doom had 1 real CC option, same with Brig. Theirs were worse for balance sure, but not worse for fun and Mei has multiple ways to sap control from other players in ways that hurt their game experience.

I am someone who always stays in games till the end, comp or otherwise, unless I’m matched into a Mei as it is simply not a fun experience and that is what I play for, to have fun.


Why don’t you just play Pharah? Because they are not going to remove CC (nor should they) just because you claim it’s “unfun”.

As a Mei Main, I can agree with that, But one thing I want to say is to make her Icewall have alittle less health, giving people a chance to get through it without a need for a bastion to just demolish it.

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The only problem with mei is thayt she can contest while in cryo… That should be removed…

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She’s slow, if you stay out of her range you’re fine. At least it’s something.
Noobfist in the other hand, there’s no escaping him. He’s in your face and terminates you at any time he chooses to.


About the counter play you can either stay at long range and kill her with snipers or pharah, or if you want to get close you can go for burst or cc damage (Doomfist, junkrat,mccree) or freeze counters (Zarya’s boubles and Orisa’s fortify).

While i know her freeze is not fun at least unlike other cc heroes her’s take time and give a chance for escaping…

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I don’t think I’ve ever had problems with Mei since I started playing Overwatch in what, 2016?

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That can be said about many heroes

That is entirely subjective

So does death, flashbang, sleep dart, rein charge or even a hook. No one likes being gravitoned, frozen, hooked, punched, pushed, flash-banged, hacked, etc. But hey, it’s overwatch, is fun to be on the other side though.

So don’t get frozen, plus teammates can always help you even if you do get frozen. I always keep my eye on her if mei is a problem (holds true for any hero), if she freezes anyone I try to disrupt the headshot, much like counter charge vs a charging rein.

Someone will have bad experience with any hero, when I get frozen I blame myself, not mei. Same as when I walk into symms chamber of death or junkrats trap mine.

Both are easily avoidable unless in chokes, but there are other heroes that excel at choke points too.

I find both of them more annoying than mei tbh. Doomfist due to his high mobility and brig with her ability to just waltz around your team holding a single button, unless focused (or frozen :D).

She’s slow and “chubby” (hitbox) and utterly evil, but easily countered or rendered useless.

That totally defeated the purpose of an ice wall.

Just keep your distance from her. There are many heroes that can damage her without diving directly into her face and get frozen. Like Widow, Zen, Hanzo, Ashe, heck even Dva can shoot her missiles from a distance and damage her.

When I play Moira and Mei is coming too close to me and freezes me I send an orb at the last second that damages her enough for someone else on my team to be able to secure the kill and possibly save me from getting a headshot. Usually does the trick.

I think she shouldn’t freeze anyone :smiley:
Only that your movement speed and attack speed is slowed, therefore you are never frozen, then she punishes dps more I guess rather than everyone.

It is horrible to be frozen and then know you are getting shot in the face by her icicle, knowing you then have no way to fight back.

I normally play junkrat is someone annoys me and Mei vs junk normally ends badly for her so don’t have much of an issue with her but when I do die to her is it with frustration. :man_juggling:

Everything that hurts your game play is a problem, no its not your attitude is the problem.

I have a Mei question! Does her ultimate get through Lucios soundbarrier?

Mei is fine. She’s not half as bad as Doomfist and Brig. Doomfist needs a big nerf ASAP.

Oh, calm down. Mei’s fine regardless you playing as her or you playing against her. I’m sorry, we have bigger issues to solve here than yours “not having fun”.

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It freezes anyone with a Lucio barrier on them. It adds more health, doesn’t protect them from CC.

Or removed completely. The whole design of that hero is just bad imo.

her right click makes her effectively have full range tho

I mean Mei basically loses all her utility at range.

plenty of heros have abilities which allow evasion from mei. Others have enough HP to survive a freeze. You just need to counterpick when you happen to play one of Meis primary food.

btw. its funny to see such a thread from a silver border, lmao.

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