(preface: this is a university advertising project to provoke others, please post your opinions, etc! and if u wanna know more, lmk! i had to choose a provocative subject and there’s nothing that gets people talking more than opinions on mercy!)
(edit: thank you so much for the responses so far!! the base of this post was built on pointers to get people talking so its a little jumbled together with opinions, etc! but thank you for taking the time to reply!)
Looking at different threads, gameplay and opinions, Mercy is still objectively the best healer in game.
Playing at a diamond level and playing frequently on NA servers (though I am in EU), there will always be a Mercy.
Regardless of her nerfs, she is still exceedingly strong for the players who already know how to play her. She genuinely takes skill and can always be used as a viable healer.
Unlike Ana, you don’t need to aim, she’ll always be there to get to people easily, etc and she doesn’t use ammo or have a cooldown on certain aspects.
Many people complain that there isn’t a healer, and the second someone switches to Mercy, they’re told if they can play Ana.
Moira has a cooldown, unable to reach certain people when she hasn’t got her orbs on key, Zenyatta takes skill to use his fire, etc.
And uh…Brig is, well. Br(oken)ig.
On the subject of Ana, while I agree that she’s a good character and an amazing healer, Mercy is more reliable and is still on par with her old self. She doesn’t deserve to be thrown to the side as a trash healer when she is STILL the most picked healer in the latest Overwatch season.
Please tell me your opinions and why people should or shouldn’t be playing Mercy in todays competitive meta.