Mercy main looking for a casual, mature players

Hello. I’ve been playing for a few weeks, so I am still a bit new to the game. Been getting frustrated by being matched up with people who won’t communicate or work as a team, so figured I’d check here.

I mostly focus on Mercy, Orisa, and Brigitte for now, I’m most useful right now as a healer. I suppose if you’re also a Mercy player, we would alternate.

Hoping to find some older players, but so long as you have a mic and aren’t rude then that doesn’t matter, I’m not too worried about skill level or anything, as I am still starting out myself. Not even too concerned about competitive or anything, just want to be able to enjoy the game with a regular group a couple times a week.

PSN genmaicha651


I mostly do comp but I’m not too concerned about always winning. Just having fun and getting better.

Add GreyFoxCritical
Think I’m currently in low plat