Moaning about no counter play

Hear alot of genji and tracer mains moaning that there is no counter play against brig. Well as a dva main there is even less counterplay against zarya but you don’t see me on a witch hunt against zarya. If they have one and she’s destroying me i literally just change to rein/orisa.

I guess switching from your dps is too hard though.

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Give the community time. It’s always the case when a new hero launches. :rofl: and when that new hero is a possible meta changer the cries are usually louder.

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I’m pretty sure if you introduce some of the original heroes now instead of on release people would be screaming OP. Imagine someone like hog getting released now haha.

You are a cool guy and all with all your pro swaps but my guess is you forgot that Brigitte doesn’t just counter these 2 guys but the entire tank class and a bunch of other DPS like Soldier and Reaper.

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Have you watched that video on what people are playing wrong against Brig on YouTube ?

Don’t come near her, kinda hard when all tanks have short range.

If you are solider and you are being countered by brig you have to quit the game. Also “pro swaps” didn’t imply anywhere that it was “pro” but the fact you think it takes a pro to realise you are being countered then wow.

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No, biggie, I was just making fun of you.

Soldier does wonders against armor or so I hear. So much damage, man, Brigitte and her team must be really scared.

It’s not the short range tanks job to deal with Brig. Which is why I asked if you watched that video ? I did share that link a few times around. You were the first to comment on an earlier post calling the title click bait and refused to watch it because you dint want to contribute to views. If you had actually spend the time to watch it you wouldn’t be saying the things your saying now.

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The fact you find brig hard to deal with i don’t think you should be making fun of anyone.


The fact you don’t even understand what Brigitte counters makes you not eligible of making threads saying that Genji/Tracer players cant adapt.

I understand what she counters more than you it seems. You mad because she can slap about your main roadhog?

Just go watch that video for crying out loud. Just scroll down the general forum and you will find that post called “The art of fighting a Brig comp”.
The link is on it.

Oh so you did admit you know nothing. Roadhog is being countered now, but you said Genji and Tracer were?? I love it when people prove themselves wrong, makes things so much easier.

Oh damn I didn’t want to reply to him, weird forum.

Nah just roadhog mains aren’t the vast majority of whiners.95 percent of your activity on this forum is moaning about brig. How many hours have you actually put into brig?

Bustar plz stop making a joke of your self.
Tracer and Genji are being countered by Brig.
Hog it comes down to the player. If he uses his hook successfully on the Brig he can burn the brig down, else the Brig can slowly burn him down.

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0? Why should I play her, is there some special aspect of her I am not aware of? Something different than pressing buttons and spamming left clicks

I’ve never seen such blatant lies. Hooking and shooting Brigitte barely removes her armor. Then she stuns, pushes back, hits a bit and recharges her health. There is nothing Roadhog can do 1v1.

Maybe then you would actually understand what deals with her if you actually played her. Also you could say that about any hero… all heroes are spamming left click and pressing buttons.

Haha and yet after 80h of Brig play I have lost count of the number of times I been hooked and killed by a Hog.

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