Moira how to play

Since a majority of players seem to not get this simple rather effective hero.

Moira is a support healer with great burst healing and a stable dps output.

Providing both healing orbs and dammage orbs, that either heals your team over time or damages your enemies over time.

Now Moira’s main goals is healing.
You can deal damage but that’s not your main focus.
Yet the majority seems to forget this.

You should only for a dps if you’re guaranteed to get a kill.
Other wise you risk your team mates getting too much damage and by the time you realize this it’s already to late and you can’t heal them back up.

No as far as coalescence goes.

It’s a power ult that deals massive damage but also heals a lot of health. As always healing is your main focus, so if you see your tanks getting low don’t persist on targeting that one dps in order to get a kill heal your tank first.

Also it’s best to combine your ult with an orb.

In dire times for healing throw a healing orb and heal with coalescence it’s always you top priority.

In the event of your team being full health and you can risk bursting some damage combine it with a damaging orb for maximum damage. But keep in mind healing is still your main priority.

So now you know.

Moira is a healer and not a damage dealer.
If you only focus on dealing damage you’ll get reported for sabotage and rightfully so.

Good luck & Have Fun


Dunno why someone would need help playing one of the easiest heroes in the game.


I can also add here that you can go DPS when you need your Ultimate and there are one like two enemies left, so you can go and get Ultcharge from the DMG which you do and then from the healing.
Gives you more % in total then just “simple” healing even it’s not the best thing to do at the moment

Maybe because a lot of players like to play her kind of wrong ^^

It depends on the tier. Lower tier Moira players might as well be a third(or fourth or sixth) DPS. In higher tier you might as well switch to something more specialized for the situation/team composition. Or simply play Ana.

Yes, so I think this post should be especially for low tier players to remind them how she should be played.
Idk - if it helps one person then it was a success at least ^^

Might as well use her ultimate every time it charges up.

I mean she gets her pretty fast so :woman_shrugging:

Do that if you want to sputter out of heal juice mid fight. If you want to do it right, drain healing resource any time when your team is safe, but always keep the focus on healing.

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Good tips OP. She’s my main support. A few tips I can throw in too:

1 - Always stay behind your tanks so you can see who you’re healing. If you’re playing Moira on the front line, you’re doing it wrong.

2 - As far as orbs go, I try to always use healing orb. The only time I will use damage orb is if we have a bunch of enemies stuck in a small area, like a room, or in a grav, or if I’m close to killing an enemy who is running away. All other times Moira should be using her healing orb, it shouldn’t be a 50/50 thing. If you’re using dmg orbs half the time you’re playing her wrong.

3 - She gets coalescence quite quickly so don’t hold on to it for long. When team fights are about to start and enemies engage, USE it, don’t wait for allies to die or get to 1 health. Again, try to stay behind your tanks when using it so you can do what it was intended for, healing and dmg together.

A good morira always fade into the fight.
A good morira only throws purple balls.
A good morira only right clicks.
A good morira then types “but I have 5 golds” after the defeats.

Now repeat.

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A good moira always kills the enemy mercy so their healz is taken care of.
A good moira tries to fade through volskaya left side if there is no sym portal.
A good moira always throws damage orbs into tunnels, maybe someone goes in.
A good moira always melees rein to death after orb+grasp.
A good moira sets “Are you finished?” on default voiceline and spams it.

What an interesting hypothesis :atom_symbol:.

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