Motion Controls in Overwatch 2 for PS4 (PlayStation4)

Dear Overwatch 2 development team and esteemed players,

It is a pleasure to address you with the purpose of expressing my suggestion that I believe could take the gaming experience to a whole new level. I am convinced that the implementation of motion controls in Overwatch 2 for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 would be a valuable addition that would enhance gameplay and immersion in the game.

Below, I will present fifteen strong reasons why you should consider the inclusion of motion controls in Overwatch 2:

    1. Greater Accuracy: Motion controls allow for more precise aiming, which could increase competitiveness and individual player skill.
    1. Immersion: Real-world movements translate into the game, making players feel more immersed in the world of Overwatch.
    1. Diversity of Playstyles: Offering diverse control options would allow players to choose the method that best suits their playstyle.
    1. Accessibility: Motion controls could make the game more accessible to players with disabilities or physical limitations.
    1. Strategic Potential: Some heroes could benefit from precise and strategic movements achievable with motion controls.
    1. Cinematic Experience: Overwatch 2 is known for its cinematic storytelling; motion controls could make players feel like protagonists in a movie.
    1. New Game Modes: The inclusion of motion controls could enable the creation of new game modes that leverage this unique feature.
    1. Esports Potential: Motion controls could generate a new level of interest in Overwatch esports and attract new viewers.
    1. Competitiveness: Players may feel more challenged and motivated to improve their skills with motion controls.
    1. Reproducibility: Spectacular plays could be easier to recreate and share on social media.
    1. Community Diversity: The inclusion of motion controls could attract new players to the Overwatch community.
    1. Customization: Players could adjust the sensitivity of motion controls to tailor them to their individual preferences.
    1. Positive Feedback: The implementation of this feature could generate an enthusiastic response from the player community.
    1. PlayStation Experience: On PlayStation 4 and 5, there are already successful games that make use of motion controls, such as Fortnite, Warzone, and even Paladins, demonstrating the viability of this option on the platform.

I hope that these reasons have demonstrated the potential of motion controls in Overwatch 2 and have inspired you to consider this option. I would like to encourage all players to share their opinions and suggestions on this matter, as collaboration between the community and developers can lead to exceptional results.

In short, not gonna happen.

A little bit more expanded version:
What about Xbox players, they don’t have anything remotely close to that system. So they will automatically be at a “disadvantage”.

So Blizzard will have to split the lobby even more, giving a separate lobby for those who use motion control, and for those who not.

People who will use it, will be paired against people who also use it, but then will complain about the queue times, as not enough players will be available.

I, myself, would love console players gone from my PC lobby, as you never know whether it is a “true” controller only player, or a sneaky little bastard who is using the hardware to provide a keyboard & mouse support while still having perks of aim assists. Well, you can actually tell by the motion fluidity, but then, so what, you will either get rekt most of the time thanks to the aim assist, or just straight up 20 minutes games.

But alas, you as a console players have this option, and i dont get to choose.

Now going through the points:

  1. Agreed, that would be nice addition to those who know how to use motion control correctly
  2. Doubt that you need any level of immersion in FPS
  3. True
  4. Ahm, could be true, could be not, and nobody going to study this to prove this point
  5. Maybe, but i am positively sure - not going to
  6. Cinematics are cinematics, doing whole lot of work just for a subset of a platform which holds the least amount of players is against business practices (hence why you can choose whether you want to play with the PC players or not, and i, for example is forced)
  7. Look for the explanation in the point 6
  8. Yet again, point 6
  9. Yet again, point 6
  10. Sorry for my language, but so what? (and no, we all move differently, so it will be even harder to recreate)
  11. Seriously doubt that, those people either already playing or not going to play, just for the feature
  12. To be honest, not even a talking point, just a nice to have if it gets implemented
  13. One group is going to love it, the other hate it. People on PC, if the point 1 turns out to be true going to hate it, people on Xbox, if point 1 turns out to be true and there is no separate lobby going to hate it - so in total, Blizzard going to have a backlash
  14. Playstation is about 25% of the player base (given that PC is 50% and consoles are 50% together). But that besides the point, look for the explanation in the point 6.

Just to clarify some things:

  1. Any use of the features provide by the platform - is a positive in my book
  2. Providing an advantage without separation to one platform over the other - is a negative
  3. If you are really competitive, then you are probably playing on the PC with a monitor which is double the price of console and GPU which, lets say, can “emulate” the GPU in your console, maybe even do it twice or 3 times over (RTX 4090 split between 3 gaming machines). Here, emphasis on “really”, that goes to the point about the console ESports.
  4. Console FPS is still capped, and there is nothing you can do about it.
  5. I am NOT against the feature you are suggesting, but please try to look through my points to understand why i am on the opposite side (yet again, unless there is a clear separation between those who use it and those who dont)
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