Mouse and keyboard on console

Is MnK reportable in competitive when going up against console players?

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Yes. Sadly people use devices to make it work.

It is cheating, but not something they can currently do much about.

it is not cheating dude

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Using a XIIM or Cronus (or other similar device) is cheating.

The executive producer said this in regards to dealing with M&KB users on console…

Which is far too vague, but given that CoD is using tools to detect and ban people, such things will eventually come through.

The option to make Blizz a little more money, and stop people buying these cheat tools, is just to allow M&KB natively and match on input method.

More from Jared…
h ttps://

how is the precision of a mouse combined with aim assist not cheating?


Take middle east servers out of eu this will fix xim


This 100000000000000 %.
KSA is Xim

Yes it is, if it wasn’t considered cheating, developers wouldn’t be actively trying to find ways to detect it.

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I am hoping for a blue reply one day lol

There aren’t really any official replies here on the eu side of the forums. (Apart from occational technical support ones)
And i’m not sure there have been any on the us side either for some time.

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Seems like Activision are slowly getting to speed with how to combat it.

CoD first, hopefully OW later.

Are we ever gonna see blizzard solve this M&KB issue ? it has been an issue for years and they did not do anything .

As you can see above, Activision is trying… I guess if it is successful, pressure can be put on Blizzard teams to implement it. But what they are doing see more for PC players using XIMs and the like. As on consoles those devices are designed to make the machine think you are using controller still. So unless they know otherwise… I can’t see it being impactful on console yet.

I’d like to see it be an industry standard.

That combo has never occurred to me. Yeah that just makes it worse.