Mouse and keyboard xim on console

Hi Blizzard,

I have been playing overwatch on console for years now and this issue still hasn’t been tackled or even considered. Why aren’t there any ramifications for people using a XIM (Mouse and Keyboard) on console? It gives players using a xim an unfair advantage over the rest of the players. These players not only get better aim and faster reaction but they get the aid of aim assist. This has been a persistent issue and it is ruining mine and many others game experience. Please fix this issue.


There is so many players posting on youtube how to cheat on console with xim and cronus. We send them to blizzard and blizzard does not do anything about that!! Here another yt video of a cheater !

do you guys also think about how to solve this?
any ideas how to combat it?
knowing the ways hackers can go (given they can be insanely smart) i don’t think thats possible. (in a world with spoofed firmwares and probably even self written drivers for some hardware…

you will always be a step behind, you cannot know what they will utilize next to leverage your systems useless.

This ruins all game. O report every M/T player for years, and they do nothing.

Just play OW on PC. Far better than console. Just purchase a keyboard + mouse for your PS.