MR puts you in easy bot matches to make you feel better ^^

The pro scene is always a good indicator. OWCS Japan, Juno was played a fair bit. Ana Brig seemed to be the preferred option though. But there was a good amount of Juno Lucio going on.

Just flicking through the Japan OWCS games and he does start to become more common as the day goes on. So, I will assume you’re right on that one for now (depends what patch they were playing on I guess). But they seem to be playing Hazard, Tracer, Echo, Juno, Kiri/Lucio.

Most annoyang part are those anormals on steam forums blaming the game for not having inclusivity at all… it’s a damn game! No one cares…

I never understood why so many people hate Brig

Whilst it makes little to no difference to the mechanics and functionality of the game. People do care, as representation is proven to be important.

do you want the long version or the short version of what was brigitte 1.0? :joy:

long version:

in short:
she was the first “extremely hybrid” heroine in Overwatch history. very tanky, she provided a lot of armor to her teammates, sh stun ALWAYS the enemies, self healing, oneshot tracer combo… in short, a war machine. to understand what we’re talking about, she had like 13 nerf patches in 3 years of existence, a record still unbeaten in Overwatch history.

Personally, I think that memory is exaggerated today: could we have acted sooner and immediately? Yes. Is she still a problem of the overwatch fate? No. she just accelerated several problems that had become more evident with sigma. but it’s certainly not her who “ruined” the game today.

If someone doesn’t understand the Brig hate… they never played OW1.

She is fine now, but sometimes, you just can’t get rid of some stains.

I wonder how quickly they’d of sorted Brig if there was a MR style ban system in the high ranks back then. A curious one to ponder.