This only happens to freshly new accounts. I only had those games in the first week playing Rivals, once I got lvl 10 and started comp I never had a game like that.
It’s been more than 1 month I don’t see any bot.
Rivals makes you feel good while you’re learning the game without disturbing anyone.
OW makes you feel bad for the others being able to feel good.
There is a big difference.
“Comment in review” for what I would like to know. Im not deleting that, I stand behind my comment. I insulted no one, spoke open and truthfuly, didnt use swear words. If certain realities hurt you, we can all work together to change those realities.
Players new to Overwatch 2 may encounter AI-controlled opponents in the first five opening matches of Quick Play.
at least it’s explicitly stated, right? I mean, Rivals didn’t exactly bother to tell players that there’s a distorted perception of QP gameplay.
although i don’t really think this solves the problem of new players learning overwatch. There’s always a pretty complicated learning process for new players:
vs bot modes aren’t exactly great. some workshops are much better as training, but how do you introduce them to new players?
new players have a progressive unlocking system for heroes as they play. it makes sense, as long as you’re in a vs AI mode. but then in a player gameplay you get judged badly.
not all new players really put in the effort to learn the new heroes by “banging their heads and trying again”. even today i see a lot of symmetra mains who have no idea about the multiple effects of primary fire when it shoots enemy barriers. both because of the poor instructions provided by the game itself, and because of the players’ lack of effort in looking for the info.
honestly it’s a big problem for all . the only time I appreciated a training idea was the lifeweaver & bob mode in season 4, where we actually all learned how to use the new hero right away. it was… simple and straightforward. maybe even better than any mastery mode, it’s really a shame not to think that way with these types of areas of the game.
rivals offers a way to learn some heroes with an introductory mode on multiple heroes but not all (we only have soldier) and more technical instructions (overwatch is perhaps too minimalist in this). it certainly has an advantage over overwatch in this sense.
about stealth bots inqp… Rivals definitely needs to be more explicit with new players who feel the first impact of the comparison with overwatch. it’s a bit like playing dishonestly with the naivety perception of new players, we can be honest about this?
It’s less bad, but it’s like says cat turd is better than dog turd… They’re both still turd ideas.
And as said above, at least OW is being open about it. They are always fairly open and transparent with what’s going on and systems in place. MR isn’t interested in the community, as they don’t need to be right night.
This is console only(the MR bots), dont care, still the better game that doesnt have DEI and terrible balancing that makes low iq people feel like contributors.
Ill never forgive blizzad for Briggite V1.0 lireally a braindead character.
Now hazaard just has to Left click you, dash to you dash and left click you again to kill any non target in a 1 v 1, such skill expression lol.
If it’s console only. Less impactful. Guess they aren’t getting many new console players to make people in their first games with.
MR isn’t balanced. That’s literally their objective.
It’s a blunt tool of a game, doesn’t need to be anything more.
As for “DEI”. It’s marvel. Literally every character has some sort of diversity or inclusivity story in their background. You suggestion is a complete misunderstanding of why these characters were created.
Its console only, and its quick game only(non-ranked)
And the bots play well since console players are genuinly limited by the option they picked to play the game on in the 1st place.
MR has already had like 10 drastic balance updated, for every one Overwatch makes.
MR is fixing issues. OW is making tweaks to a game that’s ok.
MR also has a far larger development team and can do things faster. Look MR is popular, people enjoying it. Doesn’t mean it’s a good or bad game. It’s just what gaming needs to be something. A simple, uncomplicated, blunt object of a game. No faffing around with balance, just have fun with peers.
You are aware ow team have been working on something else for PvP for next season right, and that’s why they haven’t don’t sweeping changes this season.
To be revealed on the 12th.
Maybe get all the information together and apply a little logic instead of jumping to the rage option straight away.
Now, if those changes are just minor tweaks that do nothing. Being annoyed is fair. But it doesn’t sound like that’s going to be the case.
The last 3 paches blizzard did are to put it lightly dumb…
It took blizzard 15 days to kill a cool and fun character like Juno with nerfs but Hazaard is allowed to stump on games for over a month at this point only cuz no one wants and still doesnt want to play tanks…
They weren’t to my taste either. No patch is going to please everyone. But I understand why it was only tweaks.
No point baking sweeping changes this season given what’s coming. And if they are content with the balance they won’t change for the same of change.
Juno is still fun and pretty strong. Seems to be returning to favour atm.
Played 6 games last night. Think I saw hazard once, and we rolled him, but it was open queue so can’t really comment on that one. Plus open queue is pretty much just tanks and supports still
Cant see that happening, imo if you aint using Ana Mercy Zen Kiriko the rest seem painfully mid, maybe lucio is now fina as well with the hazaard comps.
Yeah Hazaard is nuts, already hard meta in the
Asian servers/turnaments Mei wall that damages and zones + a ton of mobility on an unkillable tank is never wrong and he is legitametly unkillable, he just goes in and with dash auto your target is already at the range where they die to a genji dash the other overly mobile char. But he wont even be fixed cuz no one plays tanks no matter how low skill and effective blizzard makes them…
He can legit win a 1 v 2 vs 90% 2 dps without them even having a chance to win it just by right clicking and dashing into them… and the 10% who “can win” are just tracer, sombra and the flying once who can just escape or kite him besically just avoide him… lireally stupid char desine at its finest… close to no room for skill expression on him.