My last game of Overwatch

Today i played the last game of overwatch. I have been on this ride for more than 2 years and looking back i am actually sad how my feelings towards this game turned.

Started in the beta and enjoyed it sooo much directly bought after the realease and played daily. It was something fresh and my first real FPS game. Looking back i cant recall anything negative about the game even without comp it was so much fun. Sadly these feelings changed in the last season it wasnt as fun as it used to be but that is ofc understandable because 2 years playing the same game can get kind of boring. But the last patch actually took everylast “fun” part out of overwatch.

I am someone who enjoys playing Aim related heros that need a lot of practise to do some work for your team. I mostly played Widow/Genji/Tracer. I liked the uniqueness of every hero and the different options they provide. There were no hard counters to them ofc a Winston was strong against Widow/Genji but you can play around it and still are able to do work without beeing extremly good. I liked the no hardcounter part of overwatch because i played a lot of L.O.L where many Chars completly denied other Chars. It is frustrating.

Now why i leave Overwatch… I played/practised these Heros for now 2 years but sadly i cant play them at this current state of overwatch. Everytime i see a Moira avoiding a pulse with her shift after i sticked her which is not that easy i feel hate coming up inside of me. And the recent changes on “My” heros havent helped at all. I feel liek these 2 years of fun/sweat of work are actually completly useless.

Widow is the worse Hanzo and in my opinion even harder.
Genji is getting killed by 2 supporters easily.
Tracer gets one shotted by a Support and her pulse does less damage and actually makes - damage against roadhog.

Why shoudl i still play this game if i am just getting frustrated that the new heros are counter to the ones that need a lot of practise. I hope that the overwatch team get together and finally think about what they wanna do with their game. I dont think i am the only one feeling frustrated rn and even tho i dont play the game anymore i hope they will change something drastically and fast cause they are just losing Players.

Thx for the 2 years Overwatch


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Stop with auto-aim heroes