Stop with auto-aim heroes

I’m loving Moira, but the auto-aim is stupid and unfun, why cant you just reward good players by deleting the auto-aim and giving the possibility to headshot?


It’s not auto aim, it’s a soft lock as you still need to aim the cross hair on the target for it to actually take effect. Auto aim is more like Winston’s Tesla, or Mercy’s beam.


Why do people hate auto-Aim so much?


I get why you’re frustrated though. Honestly, Moira’s range is way too high, and Sym’s damage needs to be nerfed.


Moira’s range is high because it does not increase in damage and is one of the lowest in the game. Symmetra’s damage also takes a lot of time to build up and if a team allows her to do that, then they deserve to die by her. Going on the potential Symmetra changes coming soon, she may be getting a boost to her damage so you’ll need to learn to deal with it now.


In my opinion lock-on beams are fine, since there are players who can’t aim. Including myself (though, I don’t play heroes with locking beams). Heroes that don’t need aiming allow people with less experience with the genre to be introduced into the game.


Lock on heroes are great for new players. Blizzard needs new players constantly coming into the game.

Also, you made the point yourself - they’re weaker because they cant headshot.


Excuse me but are shooters something alien to most people? Why do you need auto-aim heroes to help new players when currently the most popular games(pubg and fortnite) are shooters? Apart from casual facebook/mobile games shooters appear to be the most popular and profitable gaming niche.

And you need auto-aim heroes for who exactly, grandmas who are first introduced to computers?


Very misinformed opinion.
OW is many things, and non of them at the same time.
You think OW is a shooter? Yes, but a different kind of shooter.
If I want really tight shooting exp. I can get it from other games likes Ironsight or COD or whatever floats your boat. This game is different, very different.
So if you want some no-scope and headshot-galore fiesta-OW is not the game for that.


This is complete BS. The game is labelled and marketed as a first person shooter, do not try to look for things that don’t exist to justify questionable design decisions.

Also I like how you shit on games like CoD, meanwhile the current meta has been the second least skilled we’ve had(the first being mass rez Mercy).

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I have lots of friends who usually dont enjoy shooters, or havent ever played a shooter before, who love overwatch. Lock on heroes are great for them.

Lock on weapons and melee weapons are still FPS weapons. Overwatch has a much more interesting and varied weapon selection than CoD with all its machineguns.


The fact that you seem to have such a tunnel vision amazes me.

Overwatch was the first FPS I’ve played, and I didn’t want something aim-heavy right away. This is probably the case for other people.

Also, people who want to relax while playing Overwatch might not want to play something that requires high concentration.


The game is marketed as a “team based FPS”, not only an FPS, which is generally what you would get with the likes of CoD. Overwatch revolves around teamplay much more vastly and this is reflected in the heroes that it brings.

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So the game becomes appealing to both mechanically skilled players, and the not so skilled players. Unlike counter strike the game attracts players from both camps.

The game design balances for each kind of heroes by making the auto aim locking heroes do less dmg, in comparison with those that require good aim. So whats the problem here ?


And also, I have a few friends with bad computers that can’t run Overwatch properly, so their FPS is around 20. So auto-aiming heroes are suitable for these kind of players. Players who want to play the game, but due to hardware limitations, they can’t play properly.

IDDQD an aiming god, when he was playing on the Korean servers via vpn, couldn’t play dps heroes simply because his ping was high. He was playing Moira then.
Over higher pings you don’t get enough time to react, and playing aim based heroes are generally a lot more harder.
I totally stand by aim based and non-aim based heroes in this game.
It’s a no-brainer really speaking and isn’t worth debating over, to be honest :smiley:


Its been said by devs that Moira has no lock. Its just a wide beam. You actually have to aim even though it is easy, which is apparent when you shoot down for example Pharah at the edge of your range (which surprises people how long it is)

This game definitely needs easier to aim/no-aim heroes, however the hitscans shouldnt have the odds stacked against them so much. By this I mean shields.


On the flip side, the hitscans cant get too much of an easy time, otherwise the supports have nowhere to hide.

I’d say the problem is not how OW is marketed, but your perception of what a “shooter game is”.

edit: Great, we cant put links into our posts anymore. Well check out the meaning of “shooter game” in wikipedia.

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You can put links in your post, for the time being until you getting to a higher level wrap the link with a tick ` and end it with one too.

