Need a group? (Discord)

All regions welcome!

If you are looking for a friendly, laid back group to play comp with and do a bit of quick play, arcade, custom game events with and even just chat with, then this is the discord group for you.
We have a tonne of easy to get along with members with Sr tier ranging from bronze to master, all Sr tiers welcome.
We have members in many different timezones so you can easily find a group of people to team up with.
All ages are welcome.
If you are interested leave a comment with your GT and I will get in contact with you with the Link to our discord group.

I’m personally am currently Diamond at 3260
And top 500 Reaper!
Im happy to help any rank and comp whenever I can!

If you are unable to leaving your GT for what ever reason, then please feel free to message me direct on Xbox
My GT is: Han Sola III

Will be great hearing for you :slight_smile:

Please note. If you are uncomfortable with occasional strong language, this probably is not the right chat for you. Also, we do not tolerate members being toxic/salty to another member.

Happy Overwatching!


Hey my friend and I are interested in joining your discord. We’d love to get ainvite to the server. We’re both at high platinum right now. My gamer tag is WeepingAngel126. Thanks.

Yeah just seen this and your xbox message. Link sent, look forward to seeing you and your friend in the group

Hi, I’m currently Gold SR (2380’s) trying to get back to my career high Platinum, but meeting failure. My gamertag is Reisurin. I’m mostly a Flex DPS, but I also can do D.Va and Lucio depending on the map. Thanks for the consideration.

Ye. I’m down for. Gamertag is same as

Add rndmnametitle. Highest ~2,8k sr

In desperate need of people to play with in diamond. I solo que a lot because I am having trouble finding a stable group to play with. Galactic Loser is my GT hope to hear back from you guys. Be my savior :wink:

My GT is XViT Frendy generally around 2900 but huge game knowledge

I’m a Top 200 Zarya main (ranked top 50 Zarya worldwide on Xbox) looking for a fun server to join, my GamerTag is SoloQ SadFace and my Discord Tag is Flynn#0001

I’d be interesting in joining! Look for a good group of active Xbox players to do comp with! My GT is Grahmps on Xbox!

Always looking for more people to play with GT is ALTBOULI

Hi idk if this discord is still active but my GT is AngryBearsFan94 and i really need friends who play this game

Yeah same the discord probably isn’t active, but what sr are you? we can just play as a duo if ya want coz i’m in the same position

My xbox gamertag is: BRECKONS 2326

Cheers in advance