Need help to find main

i have a problem in shooter games which is my hand cant control the mouse well
for example | * |
let’s say * is the target and | is my aim i can’t make the mouse be on * and I be around it like |
I have been playing this game since 2016 and the same issue, I did some checks in the hospital but nothing
btw I want heroes from all roles who can work for my situation and make me enjoy this game


Tank - Monkey
DPS - Pharah (maybe even Doom)
Support - Moira / Brig

in addition to the above:
Tank - Reinhardt
DPS - Torbjorn of course (his turret auto-aims, and you can just focus on shield-breaking or use right-click shotgun), but also Sombra maybe (because she has a slight auto-aim in her machine pistol!). I find Genji right-click spam also not aim-intensive actually.
Support - Lucio/Mercy.

It might be a stress related issue, where stress itself causes your muscle to get more rigid/stiff, while extra adrenaline causes your control to be jittery.
Stimulants like caffeine are known to exacerbate this problem.

On another hand, too high mouse sensitivity, or bad mouse sensor can cause similar issues.

The one way to test this is to do something where you don’t need to stress yourself (don’t drink coffee), and see if you can either track small target, or if you can aim at one spot while moving. We did this kind of testing in CSGO to find out if our sensitivity is good, and whether there are other aim related issues.

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Hope you and your doctors can find a solution, if there is one to be found!

No one gives any medical advices here so idk what you are spamming about in CAPS :sweat_smile:

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Special needs mate. :man_shrugging:

Hi Doc.

Glad to see you and your buddy only post when I do.

Considering the fact that you are pretty much living on this forum, and working hard to get first and last post pretty much in every thread, then anyone can be seen as someone who “posts only when you do”… except for all those times when they don’t :man_shrugging:

Ps. Take down a notch that narcissistic egomania of yours.
It’s soo blatantly and painfully obvious.

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Lol. I’ve barely touched this place in the last week and you 2 have basically been silent. Until I post… then you get angry and want to argue with anything that types.

I’d double check your posts if you want to discuss ego…

The only thing “blatantly and painfully obvious” is that you get annoyed so very easily.

  1. Fat lie which anyone can fact-check lol
    Even in this thread I’m responding to OP, not you, and yet you choose to engage with me, and talk nonsense about my post :man_shrugging:

  2. Forum was overall silent anyway, and most people don’t want to make threads because they know they need to deal with your intrusive “opinions” and arguments. So the only people who make threads are people who don’t know what they are getting into with you around, lol

Besides, the only time I respond to your posts is when you talk crap bout me behind my back (since you are on my ignore list), or say something which isn’t true, and then you dishonestly argue with nonsensical apologetic semantics just to have a last word, lol

Your RodimusPrime acc got banned thanks to me :slight_smile:

The arrogance to believe it is banned, talk about ego…

Arrogance has nothing to do with making logical conclusions :man_shrugging:

I gave you plenty of chances to prove that your RodimusPrime acc wasn’t banned, thus prove me wrong, and shut me up for good, and yet you choose to attack me, and throw petty insults which implies that you are indeed banned on that acc.

Now you’re going to stall with deceptive rhetoric, and dishonest semantics until your temp ban expires, so then you can finally post from it and keep pretending that nothing has happened.

It’s funny because he replies to my posts on every topic with some troll remark. ;D

Still not posting on it, awww I wonder why. :slight_smile:

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You wonder why?

Seeing you 2 tilt and insult people because of it is why. Hilarious.

Seeing you lie and in complete denial is making our day don’t worry.

Haha. Just because you think something doesn’t mean it is true.

Getting angry and insulting people because you assume something, isn’t the best look.

Who said anything about being angry lmao. You crack me up.

Huh? XD

You are the one who tilted and insulted people:

Lier lier, pants on fire :man_shrugging:

You clearly want to be banned also on this account.

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You don’t accuse people of lying, having “special needs”, needing “help” and so on, if you were perfectly chill.

Unless, you are just a toxic person and there is no mood.