Need help to find main

Seeing you lie and in complete denial is making our day don’t worry.

Haha. Just because you think something doesn’t mean it is true.

Getting angry and insulting people because you assume something, isn’t the best look.

Who said anything about being angry lmao. You crack me up.

Huh? XD

You are the one who tilted and insulted people:

Lier lier, pants on fire :man_shrugging:

You clearly want to be banned also on this account.

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You don’t accuse people of lying, having “special needs”, needing “help” and so on, if you were perfectly chill.

Unless, you are just a toxic person and there is no mood.

I can only apologise for that. You did ask me in private not to tell anyone about that.

Delusional mate. Nothing you can do. :slight_smile:

See, this is why you got banned, just pure trolling, argumentative, and toxic behavior.

You are literally derailing the thread because you can’t move on, and behave properly.

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Oh no. How dare I.

When you apologise, I will.

OI!! Can I get a moderator over here. These three keep derailing threads with their obnoxious arguments

Seriously!? Helvetes jävla apor! I’m so f-ing fed up now.

This guy is asking for help as to what heroes to main and the three of you keep jibbering about poo once again.

And don’t you dare roky/rod to try and brush this off and take the high road cause you are just as bad and at the same f-ing level as them.

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I just didn’t want someone reading medical advice from Jinxter and using it.

Would only get J in trouble!

(need them 2 to stop attacking me for disagree first though. that would be nice. they literally only post to sh it talk me).

That’s actually a good idea, I would love to see a moderator here who will clean threads and notice that Roku is using his alt account to circumvent the ban he received on his alt account RodimusPrime :slight_smile:

Just stop, no one posted any medical advices.
Maybe first learn what medical advice is before you use it as an escape goat to derail the thread.

No one was attacking you tho, you said something incorrect, and you were corrected.
Instead of understanding your mistake, and moving on, you started to argue over it like you always do.

Get a life, move on.

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And look at the guy that started it, yet again. Yet you like his posts. He ALWAYS starts it, can’t you see?

Hey, here’s a pointer, stop attacking people in every freaking thread so it wouldn’t start off some chain reaction. Without your disgustingly toxic responses, no thread would derail.

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And look at them gang up. Wait… they don’t like people who they think are ganging up… damn, I am confused.

No thread would derail if you didn’t take offence to every one who disagreed with you. Not everywhere can be like Russia. People are allowed to have different views here.

I like the posts I agree with yes, same as I like the posts you make that I agree with.

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Stop this!
I’m not stupid you can’t manipulate me.

You keep saying they bully you when you do the same, only difference is you twist it around making it look like it’s not bullying and then acting all innocent like you don’t know what you’ve just said.
I’ve kept my mouth shut for a long time regarding this cause I didn’t want you to feel like the only one usually agreeing with you now turned against you.

I’m not on anyones side btw.
You usually have logical and realistic opinions they are just not applicable to all subjects here.

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All I did was asked people not to take medical advice from a game forum.

The reaction. That is on them, they always just want to harass me. I just stand my ground. They keep coming.

If they don’t want the constant “arguments”, don’t be the one starting the argument. If I disagree with them and say why… that is literally what the forum is for. Their childing, and quite frankly tedious obsession with go on at me is nothing more than that, an obsession.

People aren’t dumb dude, everyone can see that you reacted to my post and out of spite falsely accused me of posting medical advice which is something which I didn’t do.

It’s not kindergarten playground, people aren’t falling for your manipulative victim act, and no one actually believes your broken semantics which you use to twist everything around to make yourself look like an innocent person.

You got banned on your other account 5 days ago, and you will get banned on this one because you can’t stop yourself from being toxic, argumentative, and manipulative.

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You get really angry when you think people make stuff up about you… Maybe don’t do it to others then. Literally after saying all you do is go after me and harass me… you do this… lol.