Nerfing the def side on payload maps was a huge mistake

Legit who had trouble on attack side? Just pick a sniper and one shot the squishies and you win. But sniper locations on def were nerfed, really makes me question stuff.

People, especially in higher ranks, got bored of sniper diff games.

Yeah but attack sniper was always the better thing.
And they nerf def sniper spots…

Legit an attack sniper can die 10 times, cheese kill the other squishies once and win objective, def sniper dies once and loses the whole point.

Proof that stats don’t matter.

If you get snipe a support, or both and die, that’s a good trade.

It is why she’s such an oppressive hero in the hands of people with actual skill. You pretty much can’t play half the map and one wrong move and you’re done.

Making it a little harder to hit shots is a good nerf. I’d maybe add a longer cooldown on grapple.

This isnt what a meant, there is no way to punish attacker on def side, and they nerf def side. thats the whole point of this post. Its just illogical. Its legit 10 times easier to attack prior to the nerf, cuz it does not matter how you die or misplay, as long as you eventually get 1-2 kills its over for the defenders.

They wanted to stop games where you get full held.

Well that still happens, you cant fix stupid people.

Indeed. And you can’t stop said players blaming everyone and everything else but themselves.

I agree but, they need to make map changes quicker when something isn’t working if they’re not going to do that. (Hopefully that makes sense?)

They’d only be able to do that on actual patches (can’t be done on hot fixes). With Sony taking forever to approve them for upload, they only do 1 actual patch every 4/5 weeks.

So you’d have to find the issue, figure out how to solve it, design it, build it, test it, then patch it.

“Quick” would be months at best.