New bronze group

hey guys i’m bronze 3 mostly mercy or kiriko player… i’d love to meet some people that don’t tell you to off yourself just cuz u let them die:) just chill and fun games on comp or qp hmu on discord or here if you’re interested atlas#3849


I started bronze 5 in everything… Got to Silver 2 but when season 2 started I started in bronze 5 again :man_shrugging:t3: so yeah i’m down for playing. Soon 1000 hours on OW so it’s ok :+1:t3:

okay i’ll add you but so u know i’m not really that good and i don’t want to be holding you back

Hi hope I’m not too late, I’m plat tank player and i just want to play in a group and I could help u grind the comp or just have fun.
I mainly play tank and I’m decent in support but not that well with damage.
Here is my user tag: AgentJ#11588

bet i’ll add you later today :wink:

I’d be up for this trying to climb out of bronze hell haha Murza#21209

What server do u guys play on. I’m a bronze 3 DPS main. Mostly Ashe, Cassidy and soldier

europe i think what about u

I’m also bronze 3, and mostly a brig player, but i can go to another support if need be. I have been looking for people to rank up with so i can play some more of my friends.

What’s your psn username ?

PSN danfstokka : dantheman#21859

Still stuck in elo hell :confused: got about 1316 hours ingame

Hey ive had 2 accounts so not exactly sure in the hours …but inbeen playing on and off since the OW1 came out …I remember when it was just called project titan and nobody new squat about it …anyways I digress…i say this to say …i may not be the best but im def not the worst. Im a vreat mercy/moira heals. Tank with whoever…been killing it with roadhog as of late. Looking for fun players that will group up and stay grouped up even after a few loses …everyone has a bad day … also my mic is broke . But i can listen . Ps4 : AGENTFOURTOOZERO Battlenet: DOMINATOR #1764 .
ADD ME . Ill do whatever.