What a horrid game mode now in our competitive.
If you play a fast, aggressive comp it is fun.
if you are more a slow, patient type of player (or have a slow poke comp)… you will probably hate it.
It’s especially awful in Mystery Heroes.
Edit: I the forums have lost my icon again.
I’d of thought Clash and MH would be a good match.
A bit of chaos in a fast paced, frantic game mode. No fight ever being the same. Sounds fun.
I feel that clash works best in an oq format.
In mystery it’s down to luck if you get 3 tanks or 3 widowmakers. One comp works better than the other and snowballs can get pretty bad unless the losing team starts playing careful enough to build ults.
Just had my 1st Match this Season and hearing / reading about Clash and how they shove it currently in almost every 3rd Match it went exactly like i thought.
1st ever Match in Placements for S12: Clash
Q-Time: 4x the Advertised Time (like the MatchMaker Wanted me to play Clash forcibly)
Match Duration: 3:19 (Replay / Game Report Time)
Actuall Play Time: 2:36 (Screenshot on Stats Screen after Match Ended)
EDIT: I keeps happen …
Expected Q-Time 1 Minute … waited almost 6 mins to play a Match with 2:23 Playtime.
I don’t go into who Won or Lost its a mixed bag, but never a Match over 3 Minutes actuall Playtime.
Did they Playtest this at all ?
Its always the Team that takes 1st point that wins, i never seen anyone retake or something anything by now.
EDIT(Again): I can confidently say that EVERY Clash Match i had so far lasted under 3 mins.
Idk dont know if this is a global thing since im Metal Ranked but i see Clash and know …
One way or the other i will sitting in Q again in less then 3 Minutes.
2CP atleast had Cheese-Strats and weird stuff you could win with or lose against … but this is just getting overrun or dominating 100% of the time.