New patch is a joke, right?

Mercy, Brigitte, Mei, Symmetra, Sombra, Bastion, Orisa, Moira, Lúcio… We need to start a “battered heroes shelter” for the victims of Blizzard’s flailing attempts at “balance”. Hell, there are more heroes who are broken than decent ones as of today…

I promised that if Moira got nerfed I would quit, and quit I shall. Blizzard, if you don’t want me to have fun playing your game that’s fine. I understand, you wanted to be an esport. Live your dreams! Tissue paper barriers and support nerfs, do they actually expect any tank or support players to stay? You really don’t want us here. You want to watch Tracer and Genji blow up robots? That’s honestly fine.


Really? Moira of all characters? Wasn’t she the best hero by far based on pick and win rates?

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No? She’s been second fiddle to Ana the entire time, and the only reason she’s even in second place is because every other support has been nerfed, barring Baptiste who’s new. Nerfing her instead of buffing the other broken supports is just sad.

Are you talking about OWL? Moira has been top pick in competitive for a long time. By a wide margin. This is not my opinion by the way, it is overbuff stats. If you are talking about OWL though - I have no clue about the meta there.

It is a joke. It is the first of April today. You see times goes fast when you have fun playing overwatch!


I think they should have nerfed her damage potential and leave healing alone, but what can you do… At least we will see less moiras, and the ones we see are most likely going to be DPS.

Moira was the most played - obviously in a meta with shields but no DVa.

Other than that, changes to armor are very impactful and should elevate tank play as well as support play (reacting quickly to heal armor for increased effieciency or reacting slowly to just heal pure hp that drain more quickly). Also, the buffs to Sigma, Orisa and Rein are rather good, even if barrier got worse. This however encourages a meta where you get off tanks as well.

Just tried moira on PTR and still crazy healz and carry, about reins nerf -no comment- I had my shield broke too fast many times even before that , I will play him even more rarely from now on, let people with strong nerves who enjoys holding up a big stupid shield play him, for me his just completely not fun.

It’s nice to see that Blizz listened to the community and added different game modes while waiting in Q because now we can say it for sure that roleQ will not go away.

It will always be this way. Overwatch or Overwatch 2 will never find that magical balanced state. I expect this trend to remain, every few months new changes, new balance, etc.

It sucks, but it’s how Blizz want to run this show.

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Honestly do go ahead and quit, cause if you make a point in calling these heroes gutted, when 5 out of the listed ones are beyond Meta and have great win/pickrates everywhere in the game, for gods sake you even listed the currently most winnnig support in the game, where every aspect of her kit got buffed (Brigg), you seriously have no grasp on this game competetively and it is so evident.

Not sure if we’re talking about the same patch, but rein is finally actually fun to play again. Double barrier was more cancer than goats. So yes, I think they do expect at least tank players to stay.

“Yeah let’s alienate all the Moira mains, that will help!”

No she wasn’t.

Sure, I haven’t heard enough people talk ignorantly about this particular hero.

Nobody cares about their win rate. If they are not fun to play that is a problem. Balance is not about win rates or pick rates, it’s about making every hero rewarding to play. If tanks are just hit sponges then they should replace them with bots, who are just as capable of getting shot. People act like balance is a zero-sum game: we have to take from the heroes that you think are “on top” in order to boost the heroes you think are “on the bottom”. But Mei is never going to get a buff. Symmetra was good for a week and they nerfed her. Sombra is trash. Mercy has been broken for the best part of 2 years. You don’t care about weaker heroes, you want buffs for Genji and Tracer, you want your main to be a must-pick and for random balance changes to boost you to grandmaster. And that’s why you shouldn’t be in charge of the game’s development!

Blizzard wanted players to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, right?

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What planet did you arrive from?

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I’m from Earth, but it does appear that I’ve stepped onto the plane of madness.

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You do realize that the armor buff is a huuuuge nerf to Tracer, right? Her damage vs armor has again been decreased by 5 per shot, just like it used to be.

In theory. In practice the removal of barriers makes the tiny armour buff negligible. Keep in mind that armour gives ult charge and barriers don’t, so Tracer’s going to have a pulse bomb every 2 minutes.

It can be argued that Blizzard cares too much about fun to play to the detriment of balance, and not the other way around.

Do you play tank? Now that barriers are lower, you will have to use the map and other cooldowns (and Blizzard actually buffed the non barrier parts of multiple tank kits) to mitigate damage, instead of Orisa barrier which was pretty much up damn near 80% percent of the time. Tanks have a large health pool for a reason. No, its not to be a bullet sponge (obviously they can face tank if need be), but it is so that they can initiate fights without getting blown up. Barriers still exist, they will just have to be used more strategically. You can’t turn off your brain and sit behind shield because when the new patch arrives, shields will be able to be broken. On the live patch, multiple shields are oppressive and neutralize a large number of the cast by just existing.

Were you not there when they gave Mei piercing freeze and removed damage fall-off? Hello? Mei is more viable than she has ever been.

Symmetra damage was pretty insane and overpowered, Sombra is a tricky hero at the best of times because she requires a great deal more skill and communication. Mercy still gets picked a fair amount in my games and is viable. Throughout most of the ladder all of these heroes are viable. I also like how you assume that a person in favor of the patch changes automatically wants Tracer/Genji/Dive back. That’s not how it works.

Dude. It takes me 2 clicks to find out that I’m right. Overbuff → Heroes. There you see it, Moira with 12.39% pick rate over the last month on top of the list, next support is Ana with 7.34%. Not only that, but she pretty much has the top spot on every single rank except for GM where Orisa beats her 13.29% to 12.78%.
It doesn’t even matter which time frame you’re looking at (1 week, 1 month, 3 months), the picture is the same: Moira on top overall, Moira on top in every rank just in GM there’s a tank just a sliver above her (Sigma or Orisa).

Arguing about stuff is one thing, denying simple, verifyable statistics is borderline Trumpian.

Do you play tank?

Up until this patch, yeah. Now I’m seeing other games.

you will have to use the map and other cooldowns

Not true, since you will be dead and respawning.

instead of Orisa barrier which was pretty much up damn near 80% percent of the time.

Perhaps you should attack from a different angle instead of mindlessly shooting a barrier? No, that would be too difficult, let’s nerf all tanks.

You can’t turn off your brain and sit behind shield

So I take it you have literally never played a tank hero in your life? I get that you’re salty, but how is it that ALL OF THIS COMMUNITY acts this way?

multiple shields are oppressive and neutralize a large number of the cast by just existing.

So I’m guessing you’re a hitscan main that hasn’t grown the brain cell necessary to walk around a barrier?

Were you not there when they gave Mei piercing freeze and removed damage fall-off? Hello? Mei is more viable than she has ever been.

Yes I’m sure she is, which is why her pick rate is 2%. She’s lower than Ashe!

Symmetra damage was pretty insane and overpowered

Lol no.

Tracer wasn’t really one of the heroes that got affected by barriers in the first place. But you are right about the ult charge, she’ll have a pulse bomb every 30 second but that’s really nothing new.