New rank system ow season 9 makes no sense

So I was plat 4 open rank, gold 2 support and silver 1 dps… The new season 9 opportunity gave me hope of actually getting to play in higher ranks like (maybe diamond or still plat) and then maybe get lowered when keeping up was too challenging but, of course, it’s blizzard we are talking about and, as predicted, the utter disappointment I felt when after my first match, being a win as dps, support and open rank they planted me at a prediction of silver 1… now, with DPS I managed to get 8 whole wins and 2 losses and guess where I was placed? Gold 5, just one rank above what i was. And support after being plat 5 and gold 2 for 3 seasons ? Silver 1. This is actually so insane that once i reach my 9th match if it stills predicts silver I will not be playing competitive any longer, exept for dps maybe because i never was gold so i will give it a try. But to take away my gold position as support by placing me in silver matches, knowing how hard it is to get out of them, is just too saddening. Hence I will not be participating in this horrific situation. Congrats for actually not giving us the opportunity you promised, just like it always happens. If this keeps up i might actually stop playing this game as it seems your goal IS to actually destroy it lol.

So, you’re upset that the system still thinks you’re basically the same rank as before?

Did you improve significantly since last season in terms of skill and awareness?

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Indeed yes as before I had a very crappy laptop and now I have a very powerful one so my aim pushed me to silver 1 from silver 4 at the end right before season s9 came out. Hence, pretty much it didn’t give me who knows what opportunities. I’m more weirded out about the prediction of silver 1 after never being it since ow2 came out so i’m too disappointed to play rank this season. Praying for the best rn lol T-T. IF i do fold and get that silver title im making my profile private LOL.

Sounds like the systems are working fine.

You climbed to silver 1, and the placements think you’re still silver 1.

The placements were never going to change anyone’s rank much unless they massively changed skill over night.

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I hate the new ranking system. As someone who works with data and uses it to make decisions, it’s much better to have an aggregation vs each match. You need 3-5 matches to realign on skills and standing. Not a good update imo!

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