No sense of progression for the casual player?

I’ve recently put all my anger with Blizzard to the side for a moment and for the first time tried OW2 after being a dedicated OW1 fan long before sh*t hit the fan. I had been following the game status for a while and with Classic being brought back and Marvel Rivals kicking their ass, I thought I would see for myself.

And honestly, the gameplay itself is okay and fun, but as a casual player there is just barely anything to keep me engaged and it very much feels like everything I do never helps me accomplish anything.
I’ve seriously started playing competitive, just to get SOME sense of progression when I see a metre go up or down after a match. In that sense I am very simple minded but that’s the point!
OW2 gives you NOTHING. They took away levels, they took away the level border, they took away lootboxes, they took away medals, they took away endorsement cards and they gave us a battlepass that is full of so much worthless trash it might as well not be there at all.
I do admit the hero progression levels are fun and I like them, but it’s not enough. Meanwhile the shop pop-up begs you every 5 days to buy their full-indie-game-prized skins. It’s so nasty that it completely overshadowes the actual game.

I beg you Blizzard to give us anything. Overwatch has a special place in my heart and I want to love and enjoy it, but I am not gonna be able to stick around for this treatment.
I don’t care about balancing heroes, I can live with the queue times, I dgaf how many tanks my game has, just stop stomping out the little sparks and stop treating your players like we’re your enemy.

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If you’re casual. Grinding for “progression” should be very low on the priority list.

If you want to earn “progression” that immediately stops it being casual.

That’s all causal should require.

Honestly. It just sounds more like you’re bored of the game than anything. Nothing wrong with that, you’ve probably been playing a few years now.

Again… You’re not a casual player. Maybe either mix in some other games, or just dive in two footed and grind ranked. Push yourself to see where you go.

How come I see you in every thread defending this game like your life depends on it lol?

All I meant is that the game lacks the little rewards and details that easily motivated a player to play more. And I just don’t get why, since we literally had those things and it feels like the removed them just to bully us or something??

By “casual” I meant that I don’t want to play ranked, only play a few hours once a week and generally don’t take the game “too serious” unlike someone who eg. knows all the stats and tactics. I’m sure everyone has their own definition of it.

I do play other games as well. This post was just about Overwatch and it’s reward system. I’m aware I can stop when I’m bored of it.
This is a critique post though, all of which can easily be brushed off by “go play something else” if you really want to, but that’s not the point of it. And I would’ve liked to hear some other people’s opinions on this issue.

Where have I ever defended the game :rofl: I prefer to just criticse it for it’s actual problems, not the guff most people on the forums talk about (also, there’s only about 5 active people on here, so you will see the same people over and over).

All I said was that you are definitely not a casual player, you probably just don’t realise it. Any form of grind in a game isn’t casual.

I mean, I’m glad for you if it’s not a thing that bothers you personally.
Which would those problems be? Geniuenly curious.

Right, my mistake. *No sense of progression for the semi-casual player.

Now, semi casual is a much more accurate way to describe you.

What about my question? What problems do you have with the game?

I think alot of grievance is caused by the match making system. I havent touched competetive yet but just today I had 3x 5-Player groups in a row.

I have a caring personality so I started with support but find myself playing the tank role more often as a protector of the team. Well anytime I make a move, the 5-player groups shut me down immediately, maybe not on the first move but there will rarely be a second chance. This is happening in the “casual” quick play mode.

I looked into this abit, thinking, yea friends probably want to play together. You can play in competetive mode with players from any rank, so what are you doing stomping newbies in casual mode? Whenever I come out on the otherside with a victory, Im thinking, that wasnt casual at all, this could have been a competitive game. But then again its probably even worse with the broad team or what its called in competitive mode.

My theory is that the game is lacking players (new competition and what not) so to keep the 5-player team playing and not hop on to the competition, here you have some newbies to waste each others time.

Maybe give them more incentive to play competitive and leave the casual scene to casual players?

Plenty. Mostly that tanks aren’t engaging to play and their only way of solving it seems to be to make them stronger. Which is fundamentally bad for everyone else.

It’s why there aren’t many tank players and why queue times are long in role lock.

But most of my issues with the game are me problems. I’ve played for 8 years. I’ve grinded the game from being a donkey in bronze to touching GM. I don’t have that spark to play daily any more because I have nothing I want to achieve. So I just play when my friend play and have fun.

I’d change that to misunderstanding the match making or Scape goating it.

OW doesn’t actually have this issue, for now. It’s player base is similar to the “rival” game.