No Sombra nerfs on the ptr ?

The recent brig and df nerfs are great, both are still playable at what they do but are toned down. But are we just gonna ignore the purple Mexican elephant in the room. Sombra is far from okay in her current state, hacking someone already hit by emp is borderline unfair.

Yes, nerf the character that has the lowest win rate in the entire game. Smart move.


she has a low winrate because a lot of ppl that suck at her still play her in comp


One of the dumber things that I’ve read today.


I’d just say get good at the game since its easy to counter her

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So what does actually counter sombra other than hanzo

For one hanzo doesn’t counter sombra

But other than that, brig, mccree, roadhog are some examples

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It might seem that way now, but just wait until OWL rolls out and these changes hit live. Sombra will be in every map except KOTH. After OWL, Ladder will soon follow and since EMP has no counterplay and people hate losing control of their characters (which is pretty much what hack does) you will see a lot of complains about her.

She absolutely sucks to play against in 6vs6 - especially if you’re a tank. Biggest problem with sombra is that people don’t know how to play with her in team. That’ll change.

Sure mate, that’s also the reason why when shortly after Sombra came out she hit the bottom of the barrel almost immediately.

You know before Doomfist and Brig were even released

I think you meant ‘I have no idea how to counterplay an ability that doesn’t just require me to swap to brig and literally nothing else.’

Use cover to LoS her EMP, engage earlier/later than expected to force the EMP out at a less than optimal time. Stay spread out so the EMP cannot hit everyone. As a lucio/zen, hide then come out with support ult after the EMP goes off. The list goes on… Just because counterplaying the ability requires some thought, and actually playing fairly well doesn’t mean that it’s unbalanced. Or in another way of saying it, just because you can’t counter it by swapping to brig doesn’t mean it’s unbalanced.

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Noticing a trend that people who think she is fine play at lower ranks.

Hah nice try but no. You can’t counterplay what you can’t see. And even if you see it, a sombra will throw a teleporter up in the air and behind the cover to get the supports. EMP range is pretty big.

I actually play with sombra a lot in 6vs6 (I do not play sombra mind you, I play with a sombra). I have won games against far superior (mechanically mind you) players just about by stacking any ult with emp. It’s not that hard.

I’ve also been on the receiving end of teams that coordinate with sombra. It’s pretty annoying as in, I’d rather face nano blade levels of annoying. Also, both zen and lucio are kinda weak to sombra. Zen is easy to assassinate as sombra if you get a hack off, and lucio is rendered useless.


We shall see. I am calling it now. Sombra will be meta, and people will flood forums complaining about her once they realize that she is op

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I called it. 20 char.

Why would they nerf sombra, literally the hardest hero to play well (she doesn’t have a positive winrate until diamond), and even at the pro level she’s always been a situational pick. People will complain about anything these days.

1.15% pick rate ain’t meta.
Lowest win rate of all heroes ain’t meta.

She’s meta in OWL. Ladder will soon follow. And she’s very common in six stacks.

She been used in Pro scene since she got her first or second buff, use her a lot and ppl still don’t use packs and don’t focus hackeds. Best way to get value is anticipate when ur team is gon use ults and emp right then. Six stacks are different but at my groups elo atleast it’s manageable