Not getting promoted in competitive

So I won 7 games and got promoted from Gold3 to Gold3.
I won 7 games again and got promoted from Gold3 to Gold3.
Why is this happening? It didn’t happen only to me but to my friends also. Is there a fix?

How many games did you lose when getting those 7 wins?

a few, im sure that less than 20
maybe even less than 10

(edit) i mean in between winning 14 games i didnt lose 20 thats what i know for sure

Perhaps your sr just didn’t rise as much as you expected? It could be that you’re close to your actual real rank and getting higher is getting more difficult.

There is always the chance of a niche bug, but it’s likely that to the ai your stats are in line with gold 3.

Basically the new system is only a visual one.

SR is still in going in the background.

So gold 3 is 2300-2400sr.

If you win 7, that’s 175sr. If you have 7 loses to get those 7 wins (a 50/50 run). Your SR might have only gone up or down by a small number.

So once you hit the visible rank that matches your SR, you need to consistently win to climb. As with OW1.

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